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Ulaganje od 500 miliona evra u NIS
U modernizaciju NIS-a sledeće tri godine biće uloženo više od 500 miliona evra, od kojih će čak 60 miliona evra biti usmereno u ekološke programe.

Zaštita životne sredine jedan je od glavnih prioriteta i neodvojivi deo strategije efikasnog upravljanja kompanijom, naglasio je zamenik generalnog direktora NIS-a Jurij Masijanski napomenuvši da su tri ključna pravca u oblasti ekologije drastično smanjivanje štetnih posledica proizvodnje, proizvodnja ekološki čistog goriva i revitalizacija prirodnih resursa.

U kompaniji je prvi put osnovana Direkcija za ekologiju koja će za nekoliko meseci sprovesti ekološku proveru na području čitave kompanije i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata razraditi plan unapređenja ekoloških standarda u proizvodnji, rekao je Masijanski.

Savetnik generalnog direktora NIS-a za specijalna pitanja Vladimir Anisimov napomenuo je da će, u okviru kompletne modernizacije rafinerijskog kompleksa kompanije, biti obuhvaćeno 29 objekata od kojih će njih deset neposredno uticati na poboljšanje zaštite životne sredine.

Anisimov je napomenuo i da će, u okviru programa modernizacija, značajni radovi biti obavljeni i u novosadskoj rafineriji, posebno na rekonstrukciji postrojenja i rezervoara uništenih u NATO bombardovanju, prikupljanju štetnih materija iz zemljišta taloženih godinama, prečišćavanju otpadnih voda i drugi.

NIS će u predstojećem periodu snage usmeriti i na poboljšanje kvaliteta svih vrsta goriva, istakao je rukovodilac funkcije za ulaganja i razvoj Nikolas Petri i dodao da će, po završetku modernizacije ta kompanija proizvoditi motorni benzin "evro 5".

Jelašić: Inflacija veća od poželjne
Guverner Narodne banke Srbije Radovan Jelašić upozorio je da je inflacija u Srbiji veća od poželjne, što neopovoljno utiče na referentnu kamatnu stopu. "Država je preuzela obavezu da rast kontrolisanih cena ove godine neće biti veći od 15 odsto, a već je skoro dostignut taj nivo", rekao je Jelašić.
On je naveo da se NBS, za razliku od države, pridržava originalnog plana ciljane inflacije, ali je zbog nesprovođenja svih budžetom predviđenih mera centralna banka prinuđena da vodi restriktivnu monetarnu politiku. Prema proceni Jelašića, da je dosadašnji rast kontrolisanih cena, umesto 14 odsto bio upola manji, inflacija bi, umesto devet odsto koliko sada iznosi, bila oko šest odsto, a referentna kamatna stopa devet ili deset odsto.
"Važno je napomenuti da najveći broj ranije preduzetih restriktivnih mera fiskalne politike ima odloženo dejstvo, odnosno da će se efekti zamrzavanja penzija i plata u javnom sektoru osetiti tek početkom ili sredinom iduće godine", rekao je Jelašić.

Teza da bi smanjenje plata i penzija, u cilju smanjenja budžetskog deficita, dovelo do smanjene tražnje i produbljivanja recesije, kako je ocenio guverner, nema ekonomsko opravdanje.
"Za ekonomski oporavak ključno je da se ne smanjuje investiciona tražnja, a ne samo potrošačka tražnja", rekao je Jelašić i naveo da je sada u Srbiji drastično smanjena upravo investiciona tražnja, za razliku od potrošačke kod koje je smanjenje minimalno.
Smanjenje investicione tražnje, kako je rekao, najbolje se vidi po tome što Srbija ne povlači milijardu evra odobrenih i ratifikovanih kredita od međunarodnih finansijskih institucija, namenjenih određenim projektima, a koji još nisu spremni za realizaciju.
"Vlada, pored smanjenja plata i penzija i povećanja poreza na dodatu vrednost, što je predviđeno Vladinim Memorandumom o ekonomskoj politici, ima naravno i druge mogućnosti da umanji budžetski deficit, ali je važno da mere koje preduzme budu efikasne i da u kratkom roku daju rezultate", rekao je Jelašić.

On je ukazao da nije dobro što Vlada ne primenjuje zakone koje je sama donela i što ne iskoristi sve mogućnosti koje joj stoje na raspolaganju da bi povećala budžetske prihode.
"To se, pre svega, odnosi na obavezu da se u budžet uplati dobit javnih preduzeća, kao i 40 odsto sopstvenih prihoda određenih budžetskih korisnika", objasnio je Jelašić.
Guverner je rekao da je zbog razlike između planiranih prihoda i rashoda u budžetu država prinuđena da se zadužuje na domaćem i inostranom tržištu, što od početka godine iznosi oko 600 miliona evra.
"Jako je važno da država, ako već mora da se zadužuje, to čini u dinarima, jer postoji značajna likvidnost unutar bankarskog sektora, a budžet u tom slučaju ne snosi rizik vezan za kretanje kursa", preporučio je Jelašić.

Komentarišući predstojeće pregovore sa Misijom Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda, koja u Beograd dolazi u drugoj polovini avgusta da bi sagledala sprovođenje dogovorenog programa vezanog za aktuelni kreditni aranžman u vrednosti tri milijarde evra, Jelašić je rekao da će biti mnogo lakše ako do tada Vlada bude imala jasnu viziju kako će se finansirati uvećani budžetski deficit.
"Imamo dovoljno vremena da se pripremimo za pregovore, pogotovo što znamo šta će MMF ustanoviti. Koliko će ti pregovori biti teški zavišiće od toga koliko smo mi spremni da preduzmemo mere za makroekonomsku stabilnost zemlje, a ne da molimo MMF da nam u tome pomogne", naveo je guverner.
Ako pregovori sa MMF-om budu uspeši, kako je najavio, Srbija će povući drugu tranšu kredita te međunarodne finansijske institucije, iako još nije potrošen ni evro od prve tranše u vrednosti od 800 miliona evra, a kasnije će biti procenjivano da li će biti neophodno da se povlači i preostali deo kredita.
"Za Srbiju je od povlačenja tranši tog kredita važniji kredibilitet programa sa MMF-om", kazao je Jelašić.

Iako je smanjen priliv deviza u zemlju devizni kurs je stabilan, kako je naveo Jelašić, jer je smanjena i potražnja za devizama, usled smanjenog uvoza.
"Centralna banka od kraja februara nije prodavala devize da bi smanjivala pritisak na devizni kurs, ali je pitanje šta će se dugoročno dešavati, pre svega koliki će biti platni deficit", rekao je Jelašić i naveo da su devizne rezerve zemlje trenutno oko 9,5 milijardi evra.
On je naveo da je od najvećeg dela negativnih efekata ekonomske krize Srbiju odbranio fleksibilan kurs i stabilan bankarski sistem, a da, kako bi se to postiglo, poreskim obveznicima nije uzet ni jedan dinar.

Povodom predloga bankara da im NBS smanji obaveznu rezervu i na taj način poveća likvidnost za odobravanje novih kredita privredi, Jelašić je rekao da smanjenje obavezne rezerve ne bi automatski značilo i prelivanje likvidnosti banaka u preduzeća.
"I NBS smatra da bi bilo dobro kada bi smanjenje obavezne rezerve značilo povećanje kreditne aktivnosti banaka prema privredi, ali sve ukazuje da bi takva mera doprinela minimalnom povećanju ukupnih kredita", rekao je Jelašić.
On je naveo da o likvidnosti banaka najbolje govori podatak da su u kupovinu hartija od vrednosti NBS uložile 120 milijardi, a u državne zapise 64 milijarde dinara, što znači, kako je rekao, da nije bilo likvidnih preduzeća koje bi banke kreditirale tim novcem.

Cvetković: Tražićemo deficit budžeta
Predsednik Vlade Srbije Mirko Cvetković izjavio je da će budžetski deficit biti veći za oko 40 milijardi dinara od planiranog, oko 4,5 odsto bruto domaćeg proizvoda, i da će Međunarodnom monetarnom fondu biti date čvrste garancije da će deficit biti isfinasiran.

Tražićemo dodatni budžetski deficit i siguran sam da će MMF reći - "da", rekao je premijer Cvetković u intervjuu za "Novosti".

"MMF-u ćemo dati čvrste garancije da možemo da isfinansiramo deficit od 4,5 odsto BDP, da ćemo intenzivirati reforme u državnoj upravi, nastaviti restrukturiranje javnih preduzeća i smanjiti im subvencije", rekao je Cvetković.

On je ukazao da dodatni deficit nije nastao zato što je država prekomerno trošila i da to zna i MMF.

Smanjenje rashoda

"Martovskim rebalansom budžeta išli smo na veliko smanjenje rashoda države. Štedeli smo gde god smo mogli", rekao je premijer.

On je kazao da se može postići još ušteda u birokratskom aparatu, ali "ne na kratak rok".
"Velike uštede mogu da se naprave racionalizacijom zaposlenih u državnoj upravi, ali to ne može da se sprovede za 24 časa. Potrebni su zakoni, socijalni programi...", rekao je Cvetković.

Premijer je kazao da još nije zatvorena cela konstrukcija "budžetske rupe" i da se na tome radi.

"U pregovorima smo sa EU i Rusijom oko kredita i pozajmica za budžet, u iznosima od po nekoliko stotina miliona evra. Iz fondova EU već smo dobili 100 miliona evra, sa Svetskom bankom dogovorili smo kredit od 250 miliona dolara. Pregovaramo i sa komercijalnim bankama, a deo ćemo pokriti i preko internih zaduženja u zemlji, odnosno tzv. trezorskih papira", naveo je Cvetković.

On je ponovio da se ne razmatra opcija smanjivanja plata i penzija.

"Ne možemo građanima, koji su ionako u teškoj situaciji zbog krize, dodatno da otežavamo. Drugi razlog je ekonomski - ako u recesiji smanjujete plate onda pada i kupovna moć stanovništva. To samo dodatno produbljuje krizu. Većina država upravo sada radi suprotno - upumpava novac u sistem", istakao je premijer Cvetković.

Vlada će biti upamćena po viznoj liberaliaciji

Cvetković je izjavio i da će se njegova vlada pamtiti po liberalizaciji viznog režima, koja se očekuje do kraja godine.

Cvetković je u intervjuu za "Večernje novosti" rekao da je veliki optimista kada su u pitanju evropske integracije Srbije i dodao da Srbija čini sve da okonča saradnju sa Haškim tribunalom.

Predsednik vlade rekao je da su usaglašene suštinske stvari o zakonu o prenosu nadležnosti Vojvodini i dodao da očekuje da taj zakon u Skupštini Srbije bude do septembra.

"Suštinske stvari su usaglašene i predviđenim rešenjima zadovoljni su svi u vladajućoj koaliciji. Ostaje da se dogovorimo zaista oko sitnica, koje su mahom tehničke prirode", naveo je Cvetković.

Govoreći o navodima koje se pojavljuju u javnosti o rekonstrukciji vlade, Cvetković je rekao da se o tome ne razmišlja.

Governor Jelasic: Inflation Higher Than Expected
National Bank of Serbia (NBS) Governor Radovan Jelasic has warned that inflation in Serbia has already surpassed the "desirable" mark. This, he said on Sunday in Belgrade, has a negative effect on the reference interest rate. "The state undertook it to see that the rise of controlled prices this year does not go over 15 percent, yet we have already almost reached that level," said Jelasic. The governor said that the central bank, "unlike the state", is sticking to the original plan of targeted inflation. But, Jelasic complained, the NBS is forced to conduct a restrictive monetary policy because all measures envisaged in the state budget are not being implemented. According to him, the increase in controlled prices would be 50% lower than the present 14%, inflation would be at 6% and not at 9% and key policy rate would be 9-10%. “It is important to mention that most of measures undertaken earlier have postponed effect, i.e. that the effects of freezing wages and pensions in public sector will be obvious at the beginning or middle of 2010,” Jelasic said.

Banks’ profit increases 45 percent

There are currently 34 banks operating in Serbia, the same as in the end of 2008. There are some expectations that banking sector will expand in the future, having in mind that there is great number of banks with extremely small market share, it was said in the latest edition of Finance top 2008 published in Biznis i finansije monthly. Out of total number of banks, 16 recorded the market share growth, while 18 decreased their market share. EFG Eurobank, Banca Intesa, Vojvodjanska Bank, OTP Bank, and KBC Bank recorded the greatest growth in market share on the banking market. Last year, banks accomplished a 44.5-pct higher profit (RSD 34.9 bn) than compared to 2007.

Investors to become land owners?
Serbia is the only country in Europe in which investors cannot own construction land. However, this is about to change. Serbian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning announced that the act on construction and spatial planning should be adopted by the end of July.

Based on the new act, the owners of companies who acquired the right to use a land during privatization will have to buy the land at its market price in order to become its owners.

Corridor 10 Loan Agreement to Be Signed Today
An agreement between the World Bank and Serbia concerning the USD 388 million worth loan for the Corridor 10 motorway project, and another agreement between the World Bank and the Corridor 10 Company will be signed on July 13, at the Serbian government building, Nemanjina 11, the Finance Ministry announced. The WB BoD granted the loan amounting to USD 388 million to Serbia on July 9th, for the construction of Corridor 10 motorway, which is the biggest loan granted to Serbia so far. The loan is intended to finance the last three sections on this pan-European corridor. The loan agreement will be signed on behalf of the Republic of Serbia by Minister of Finance Diana Dragutinovic and on behalf of the World Bank by Head of the World Bank Office for Serbia Simon Gray. The project envisages the construction of three sections of highway, the improvement of safety measures and better management of transport sector.

Budget system bill for better control of public spending
Serbian Minister of Finance Diana Dragutinovic said today that the adoption of the budget system bill will create conditions for the improved monitoring and controlling of public spending and allow a better review of the financial situation.

Speaking at the Serbian Parliament, Dragutinovic said that the solutions offered in the bill are comprehensive and regulate the planning and adoption of the budgets of local authorities and the organisation of obligatory social insurance.

The Minister said that the bill gives a basis for a thorough analysis of the all direct and indirect budget beneficiaries.

She explained that according to the bill it will be possible to include all public funds beneficiaries in a consolidated treasury system and a memorandum will be far more important because it will include a more detailed consolidated budget which will make it possible to have a better estimation of the fiscal policy.

The Minister said that the most important novelty is that a memorandum will decide the midterm framework for expenditures with established limits on funds for budget beneficiaries for the budgetary year and the next two fiscal years.

She said that amendments to the law on administrative taxes have been harmonized with the law on political parties, adding that the amendments introduce taxes for forming a political party.

She said that the changes are focused on reducing intellectual property taxes by 50% as well as taxes on international public transportation licenses. Taxes will also not be payable on certificates submitted for civil registration services and those required for passport issuance.

Amendments to the labour law envisage one change which is a result of the crisis, said Dragutinovic, adding that it is envisaged that paid leave of absence can be longer than 45 days and during this period salaries will be paid according to 60% of the average income during the past three months.

Institute "Mihajlo Pupin" to revitalize block B in Steam Power Plant "Kostolac"
The Ministry of Energy wants the works on revitalization of the power system, worth 300m EUR, to be done by local companies. Therefore, the works on production and assembling of measuring-regulation system in Block B in Steam Power Plant "Kostolac", which are supposed to ensure greater efficiency and safer supply of electric power to citizens, will be carried out by Institute "Mihajlo Pupin".

When Steam Power Plant "Kostolac" and Institute "Mihajlo Pupin" were signing the contract, the Minister of Energy, Petar Škundrić, said at the signing ceremony that it was very important that the job that required higher level of technology knowledge had been entrusted to the local company.

The CEO of Kostolac-based steam power plants said that the refurbishment would create conditions for extension of life of the block by 150,000 hours.

- This contract has officially signified the beginning of realization of projects for comprehensive refurbishment of both blocks in steam power plant "Kostolac B". Ongoing refurbishment and environment protection projects are worth over 300m EUR. The money will be mainly provided by "Electric Power Company of Serbia" - said Jovanović.

Croatia's Nexe To Open EUR 11.5m Unit at Serbian Brick Factory Today
Industry of building materials (IGM) "Stražilovo" from Sremski Karlovci, which operates as a member of Croatian Nexe group, will open a new production unit worth 11.5m EUR on July 13th.

According to the announcement, that will increase the capacity of the factory from 60m to 135-140m bricks, which will make IGM "Stražilovo" the largest manufacturer of tiles and the first manufacturer of "euro block" of large format in Serbia.

It has been announced that the ceremony will be attended by the Minister of Environment Protection and Spatial Planning, Oliver Dulić, the President of the Executive Council of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić, and the Ambassador of Croatia to Serbia, Željko Kupresak.

Other members of "Nexe Group" in Serbia are: factory "Polet" in Novi Bečej, which deals with production of tiles, "Jelen Do", which deals with production of whitewash and stone aggreggates, "Polet keramika" Novi Bečej produces ceramic tiles, while "Nexe beton" from Novi Bečej produces concrete.

"Nexe Group" is present in Serbia since 2003 and it currently has 865 workers. It has, so far, invested over 90m EUR in Serbia, over 54m EUR of which have been the investments in modernization of production capacities.

Temerin-based FKL to sell four facilities
Factory of rolling bearings has offered four of its facilities in Temerin for sale: retail center, czarda "Jelen", motel "Korzo" and open-air restaurant "Fontana".

Retail center occupies the surface of 1ha 9ar and 37 square meters and it is situated on regional road Novi Sad-Temerin-Bečej-Senta. The facility has its own substation, water supply system and the well with a hydrant, sewerage system, earth gas installations, floor heating system with boiler room and telephone installations.

Czarda "Jelen" comprises motel and restaurant, of which total surface is 6,692 square meters. The facilities are seven kilometers away from the center of Temerin and they have power, sewerage and telephone installations, as well as central heating.

Motel "Korzo", at 743 square meters, is situated in the very center of Temerin and it is fully equipped with infrastructure.

Open-air restaurant "Fontana" consists of a cafe and a summer balcony at 2,364 square meters. In addition, there are auxiliary facilities - two wooden houses at 48 square meters, a warehouse at 18 square meters, a summer cottage at 20 square meters and a wooden closet at 21 square meters. The facility is fully equipped with infrastructure as well.

Oil Monopoly NIS To Invest EUR 60m in Eco Programme by 2012

Serbia’s oil monopoly NIS, majority-owned by Russia’s Gazprom, plans to invest 60 million euro ($84 million) in an environmental protection programme over the next three years.

The upgrade of the NIS oil refineries in the northern towns of Pancevo and Novi Sad is already in progress and the company`s output of oil derivatives is expected to reach full compliance with the relevant European Union standards by 2012.

The eco spending is part of Gazprom’s pledge to invest 547 million euro in NIS by 2012. The Russian giant bought a 51% stake in NIS from the Serbian government in February.

NIS has set up an eco department that will review over the next few months the company`s environmental performance, NIS Vice President Yuri Masianski said. A plan will be drawn up based on the findings of the report, outlining the needed improvements in the environmental aspects of the production process, Masianski said.

NIS CEO Kiril Kravchenko said the company posted a loss of 11 billion dinars ($163 million/117 million euro) for the first quarter of the year and will cut 2,000 out of its 5,000 managerial jobs, Reuters reported earlier this month. The oil monopoly employs around 12,000.

Gas, Oil Monopolies To Sign Final JV Agreement on Underground Gas Storage Upgrade This Week

Serbia’s gas and oil monopolies will sign this week a final agreement on the launch of a joint venture for the expansion of the local Banatski Dvor underground gas storage facility

The deal is worth more than 1.0 billion dinars ($14.8 million/10.6 million euro), Srbijagas said in a statement last month.

“We have agreed on everything, but a few property details need sorting out as part of Banatski Dvor’s property assets have not been transferred to gas monopoly Srbijagas," Srbijagas Dusan Bajatovic said.

The relevant paperwork was expected to be sent out to Russia’s Gazprom, which owns a 51% stake in oil monopoly NIS, for verification on Monday, Bajatovic said.

The agreement will then be reviewed by the Serbian government.

Srbijagas and NIS signed a preliminary package of agreements for the Banatski Dvor upgrade last month, putting the oil company in charge of the drilling of eight new gas wells, and of the upgrade of two existing ones.

Gazprom paid 400 million euro to acquire the majority stake in NIS from the Serbian government in February. Under the deal, Gazprom pledged to invest 547 million euro in the Serbian company by 2012, as well as expand Banatski Dvor.

NIS to see EUR 500m for modernization
Some EUR 500mn will be invested in the modernization of NIS over the next three years, it has been announced.

EUR 60mn of this sum will be set aside for an environmental program at the Serbian Oil Industry (NIS) company, majority owned by Russia's Gazprom.

The protection of the environment is one of the chief priorities and an inseparable part of the strategy for effectively running the company, NIS Deputy General Director Yuri Masiyanski.

He added that the three key directions in the ecological sector are the drastic decrease in harmful consequences of production, the production of ecologically clean fuel and the revitalization of natural resources.

For the first time in this company, a directorate for ecology has been founded which will implement over the coming months an ecological test on the entire company and based on these results, create a plan for developing the environmental standards of production, he said.

NIS general director's advisor for special issues Vladimir Anisimov said that within the modernization of the entire refinery complex, 29 structures will be worked on, ten of which will directly effect improving environmental protection.

He said that within the modernization plan, there will be significant work done to the restoration of the Novi Sad refinery, especially on the reconstruction of facilities destroyed in the NATO bombing of 1999, along with the gathering of dangerous materials from the ground that have been there for years, as well as the purification of waste waters.

It was also announced that NIS will focus on improving the quality of all types of fuel, and that once the company has been modernized, it will begin producing Euro 5 gasoline.

Projektomontaža and Fidija to reconstruct facility of Terminal Flight Control in Podgorica
The Flight Control Agency of Serbia and Montenegro has recently signed the contract for construction-installation works on reconstruction and construction of annex of the facility of Terminal Flight Control "Podgorica" in Podgorica.

These works will be carried out by the consortium comprising Belgrade-based stock company "Projektomontaža" and IGP "Fidija" Ltd. from Podgorica for the fee of 139.5m RSD.

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