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Zakon o prenosu imovine banaka ograničen na dve godine

Predlog zakona o preuzimanju imovine i obaveza određenih banaka radi očuvanja stabilnosti finansijskog sistema Srbije, kojim se imovina i obaveze Nove agrobanke prenose na Poštansku štedionicu, biće ograničen na dve godine, izjavio je u petak (26. oktobra 2012. godine) ministar finasija Mlađan Dinkić.

Dinkić je, u skupštinskoj debati o tom zakonskom predlogum rekao da će on moći da se primeni samo na banke u kojima država ima većincko učešće.

On je naveo da je Odbor za finansije, na predlog Ministarstva, uložio amandman kojim je predviđeno da se trajanje zakona ograniči na dve godine, odnosno do 31. decembra 2014. godine.

Ministar je kazao da je Odbor uložio amandman kojim se sužavama mogućnost njegove primene samo na banke u kojima država ili autonomna pokrajina ima većinsko učešće, odnosno kontrolu.

Takvih banaka je, kako je objasnio Dinkić samo nekoliko. Na taj zakonski predlog uloženo je oko 50 amandmana.

- Mi smo želeli da ovim zakonom damo mogućnost da u slučaju problema u takvim bankama država može da reaguje kako bi se obezbedila sigurnost deponenata - rekao je Dinkić.

Opozicija je oštro kritikovala predložena rešenje, smatrajući da vodi u pravno nasilje i nesigurnost.

PAJTIĆ: Razvojna banka Vojvodine biće dokapitalizovana

Predsednik Vlade Vojvodine Bojan Pajtić izjavio je da će Skupština Vojvodine prihvatiti predlog da se emituju obveznice u vrednosti 15 milijardi dinara. Tim obveznicama će biti dokapitalizovana Razvojna banka Vojvodine (RBV).

Pajtić je rekao da emitovanje obveznica od 15 milijardi dinara sa rokom dospeća od 30 godina ne znači zaduživanje, već ulaganje kapitala koji neće nestati već će biti u vlasništvu građana Vojvodine.

- Ako se setimo kako je izgledala Metals banka možemo konstatovati da je RBV od kada su je država i pokrajina preuzele spasila već oko 10.000 radnih mesta. Imali smo predlog da se investira oko 20 milijardi, da se banka ugasi ili da je osnažimo sa 15 milijardi i mislim da je naše opredeljenje sasvim racionalno - rekao je Pajtić.

Prema njegovim rečima, ovakvo rešenje manje košta državu i donosi benefit građanima Vojvodine, koji mogu biti potpuno spokojni po pitanju depozita i štednje.

- Ova priča za nas je danas završena. Mi smo povukli korak za koji smo sigurni da je najracionalniji i najbolji, jer obveznice nisu kapital koji ide u vetar već je kapital građana -rekao je Pajtić i dodao da Pokrajina nije videla bolje rešenje od ovog.

Ministar finansija Srbije Mlađan Dinkić potvrdio je juče da je Vlada Vojvodine tražila saglasnost za dokapitaliziciju RBV, navodeći da je to moguće, ali da nije dobro rešenje zbog čega je zatražio da pokrajinska vlada promeni mišljenje.

Budget Bill for 2013 adopted - Balance between savings and incentives

At its yesterday's session, the Serbian government adopted the Budget Bill for 2013, which envisages revenues of RSD 956.4 billion and expenditures of RSD 1078.3 billion, said Minister of Finance and Economy Mladjan Dinkic.

Speaking at a press conference held after the government session, Dinkic said that the document envisaged the reduction of the budget deficit to 3.3% of the achieved GDP.

The Minister underlined that the budget had been adopted on time, that it supported development and set balance between savings and incentives.

The aim is to cut the budget deficit in half, protect the most vulnerable categories of society and provide development stimuli for the economy, Dinkic underlined, adding that the Serbian parliament should adopt the budget bill before November 20th.

According to him, the state budget bill for 2013 prescribes that Vojvodina should receive 7.05% of total revenues, which is guaranteed by the Law on the Budget System.

Dinkic also announced that representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would start talks with the Serbian government about a new arrangement within the next two weeks, that is, by November 10th at the latest.

He said that he had had a telephone conversation the day before with Suzana Burgasova, head of the IMF mission that would come to Serbia, who had expressed satisfaction with technical talks held with the Serbian government to date.

He noted that the talks with the IMF would not be continued if Serbia did not have a good budget bill for 2013.

Dinkic underlined that for the first time the IMF believed that the consolidated deficit could be higher than targeted and that it could stand at 4% of GDP.

He specified that the budget envisaged guarantees for the realization of loans of the Chinese Exim Bank for construction of a part of Belgrade-Cacak motorway and sections of the motorway Pojate-Preljina and Novi Sad-Loznica, as well as guarantees for a Russian loan worth $800 million for the modernization of railway infrastructure.

Together with the 2013 Budget Bill, the Serbian parliament will also examine the Bill on limiting payment deadlines, the Minister announced and explained that this law introduced an obligation on part of the state to pay all its liabilities within maximum 45 days from the day of the signing of an agreement, while for companies this deadline will be 60 days.

Dinkic said that that would be the first time that the state would have a shorter deadline for the payment of its obligations than companies, underlining that the state would introduce the concept of personal responsibility of ministers and directors of public companies who would be fined RSD 100,000 per month for failing to respect payment deadlines, while the other sanction would be an interest on arrears.

The planned budget deficit for 2013 is RSD 132.3 billion, while the total deficit of the Republic of Serbia is RSD 121.9 billion, and that is 3.3% of GDP. Revenues at the level of the whole country amount to RSD 1685.2 billion, and expenses are at RSD 1817.5 billion.

The consolidated budget, which apart from the national budget also includes the budget of the province, municipal budgets, the budget of the public road company Putevi Srbije and the organizations of mandatory social insurance, has a deficit of RSD 132.3 billion, which is 3.6% of GDP.

The budget is designed in such a way as to stop the growth of public debt, and the expected economic growth is 2%.

The biggest budget savings have been made in expenditure on subsidies – RSD 7 billion for expenditures for the purchase of goods and services – RSD 4.6 billion, as well as on expenditures for budget loans – RSD 4.1 billion.

At the same time, expenditures for social care have been increased by approximately RSD 7 billion.

Public debt should be increased at the end of this year to almost 60% of GDP, and it will start dropping below that level as of 2014.

In 2014, the government plans to additionally cut the budget deficit to 1.9% and in 2015 to 1% only.

PAJTIC: Development Bank of Vojvodina needs capital increase

Vojvodina Prime Minister Bojan Pajtic says a capital increase of RSD 15 billion is the best option to resolve the problems of the Development Bank of Vojvodina (RBV), Tanjug reports.

Issuing RSD 15 billion worth of bonds with the maturity of 30 years would strengthen the position of the RBV and improve its work, Pajtic said to explain the proposal.

- The move is not about going into debt, but rather about investment of capital that will be owned by the citizens in a bank that belongs to them - Pajtic told reporters on the eve of the Vojvodina Assembly session, at which deputies should discuss the revision of the provincial budget.

Pajtic stressed that the RBV had proven to be exceptionally important so far, as it saved tens of thousands of jobs.

Providing details about the way the province took over the Metals Banka bank to form the RBV several years ago, Pajtic pointed out that another proposal at the time was to invest about 20 billion in shutting down the bank to pay out the insured and uninsured deposits in it.

The Vojvodina government, however, proposed a recapitalization because it thought it was “the best and most reasonable solution that will cost the state less, and will bring a long-term benefit to the citizens of the province, who will be able to be at ease when it comes to their savings and deposits” in the bank.

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