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Tender za "Telekom" u septembru?
"Telekom Srbija" će definitivno biti prodat. Ova odluka biće objavljena, saznaje "Blic", u Nemanjinoj 11 krajem ovog meseca, a tender se sprema na jesen. Uz potvrdu da će ući u prodaju jedine domaće telekomunikacione kuće, Vlada će objaviti i koji je plan trošenja sredstava dobijenih od privatizacije "Telekoma", piše današnji "Blic".

- Međunarodni tender biće, prema planu, raspisan tokom septembra. Zasad među liderima vladajuće koalicije ne postoji saglasnost o tome kuda usmeriti novac od prodaje. Dinkić bi da s tim novcem smanji javni dug, odnosno da vrati deo zaduženja, dok je potpredsednik Vučić da se sa tim novcem pokrene privreda. veruje se da se ovom privatizacijom može ostvariti prihod od 2 mlrd EUR - tvrdi izvor "Blica" iz Vlade.

Pokrenut portal za kontrolu novca iz državnog budžeta
Centar za razvoj neprofitnog sektora (CRNPS) i Centar za istraživanje, transparentnost i odgovornost (CRTA) pokrenuli su danas portal za građansku kontrolu javnih finansija i kontrolu trošenja novca iz budžeta.

Portal će, kako je rečeno na konferenciji za novinare, pomoći građanima da razumeju budžetske stavke, postave pitanja ekspertima i nadziru kako vlast upravlja javnim sredstvima.

Direktor CRNPS Aleksandar Bratković istakao je da je naročiti sada, uoči državnih mera štednje, građanska obaveza vršiti pritisak na vlast da budžetom upravlja javno i odgovorno.

Direktorka CRTA organizacije Vukosava Crnjanski Šabović rekla je da će na portalu građani, mediji i civilno društvo moći i da razmenjuju mišljenja.

Pokretanje portala finansirala je Evropska unija, a podržala Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije i Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti.

Direktorka Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije Tatjana Babić kazala je agenciji Beta da će otvaranje portala doprineti uključivanju građana u borbu protiv korupcije. Objasnila je da je za efikasnu borbu protiv korupcije i za uspešno nadgledanje trošenja budžetskih sredstava, neophodna saradnja civilnog i javnog sektora.

- Vrlo je važno da se ne samo institucije, veh i građani uključe u kontrolu trošenja naših para, i Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije ohrabruje i poziva organizaciju civilnog društva na saradnju radi postizanja što boljih rezultata - istakla je Babić.

"DPS Klas Group" kupio deo mlinskog kompleksa "Lale Stanković" u Bogatiću za milion evra
Kompanija "DPS Klas Group" kupila je deo mlinskog kompleksa "Lale Stanković" u Bogatiću za milion evra. Renovirani mlin i silos u funkciji su od 27. maja.

- Slobodnom pogodbom kupili smo od kompanije "Victoria Group" polovinu kompleksa "Lale Stanković". U rekonstrukciju i adaptaciju mlina i silosa u Bogatić uloženo je oko 300.000 EUR – kaže za "eKapiju" Vladimir Popović iz firme "DPS Klas Group".

Popović napominje da su u tom mlinskom kompleksu zaposlili 30 radnika, a da je u planu primanje još 20 ljudi.

Kapacitet renoviranog mlina u Bogatiću je 100 tona pšenice za 24 časa, tako da kompanija sada poseduje dva mlina ukupnog kapaciteta 240t/24h.

Naš sagovornik navodi da je "DPS Klas Group" povećao i silosne kapacitete sa 48.000 tona na 60.000 tona merkantilnih roba.

Quaestus Private Equity eyes Nexe Grupa - Way for paying creditors proposed
Nexe Grupa has changed its financial and operational restructuring plan, where main guidelines now say that an investment of HRK 150 million (about EUR 20 million) is required from a financial partner, who would thus acquire a 76-percent stake in Nexe Grupa, reads a release published on the website of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. A consortium of investors that has submitted a letter of intent is led by the Quaestus Private Equity company owned by Borislav Skegra, has reported.

It is suggested that bondholders should receive a 49-percent stake in the Division for Cement, Concrete and Aggreggates as well as get additionally paid using the mezzanine option.

According to the company website, Quaestus was established in 2003 as "the first Croatian risk capital management company, and it is now a leading Croatian group for managing alternative investment." The management of alternative investment involves two risk capital funds with the value of capital being managed exceeding EUR 100 million.

Italian investor coming to Cacak - Jobs for 185 people in first phase
Finance and Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic stated that the City of Cacak should pick appropriate locations for an industrial zone in order to attract investors now choosing Jagodina and Vranje instead.

- Unfortunately, many factories in this area are out of operation. There are some production facilities, but they are practically unavailable due to complicated property relations, so that it is easier to build a new factory and start production - Dinkic said.

As he pointed out, the government has backed a large Italian company planning on hiring 185 people at a facility of the former company Cer in the following period. This investor from Italy later plans to increase that number to 300.

He voiced his expectation that a final agreement would be signed soon as well as that they would start buying equipment, installing it and, eventually, begin production.

Serbia offered about USD 240 million contracts for projects in Iraq
Serbia has been offered about USD 240 million construction and utilities deals in Iraq, Serbian Minister of Construction and Town Planning Velimir Ilic said Wednesday.

He told a press conference after the return of a Serbian delegation from a working visit to Iraq that Serbia could implement projects of much greater value in that country, but he also pointed out that "it is only up to us whether or not this will happen."

- Companies from Serbia are well known in Iraq which wants to help us. They have offered us to implement two projects worth EUR 120 million each - said Ilic.

According to him, these deals are offered to Jugoimport SDPR, which already operates in Iraq and should be the one to manage the implementation of all newly closed deals, Energoprojekt, which is offered to build generating plants powered by crude oil and oil, CIP Institute of Transportation, and the Road Institute.

- They also wanted Mostogradnja, but its representatives did not show up because of the problems this company currently experiences, so it was agreed for Energoprojekt Niskogradnja to do Mostogradnja's part of the work. A contract is also offered to Ivan Milutinovic - PIM, a company that builds waterways in Serbia and surrounding countries - he noted.

Ilic added that Iraq was very interested in the Venice project, worth USD 1.5 million, which they wanted to be implemented as soon as possible.

He stressed that we should not worry about the security of workers as construction sites in Iraq were completely secured.

- Situation in Iraq is unstable at the moment, but it will improve very soon. Serbia must take this opportunity and win some of the contracts offered because the Iraqi investment fund for this phase exceeds USD 120 billion - the Serbian minister of construction and town planning said, reminding that Serbia used to implement USD 19 billion worth of projects in Iraq.

Ilic added that the government should help construction companies in Serbia recover and stand up on their feet, pointing out that "if the construction industry moves from a deadlock, it will be an infusion for Serbia's economy."

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