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Energoprojekt visokogranjda (EPVI) ugovorila novi posao u Rusiji

Energoprojekt Visokogradnja a.d. i "Promišljeno-bitovoe Stroiteljstvo"- generalni izvođač radova, zaključili su u julu mesecu tekuće godine "Ugovor za izvođenje građevinsko-zanatskih i instalaterskih radova na objektu stambene zgrade u gradu Siktivkaru", u Rusiji. Vrednost ugovorenog posla iznosi 9,6 miliona EUR (sa uračunatim PDV-om). Rok za realizaciju projekta je 18 meseci.

Bambi a.d. Požarevac (BMBI) stiče Sopstvene akcije
Kompanija Bambi a.d. Požarevac objavila je Ponudu za sticanje 240 (0,07055% od ukupnog broja emitovanih akcija) sopstvenih akcija na Beogradskoj berzi.
Cena po kojoj se stiču akcije iznosi 24.000 dinara, a Ponuda je otvorena 11.07., i zatvara se 25.07.2013. godine.

Izveštaje firmi kontrolisaće NBS
Beograd -- Ako se usvoji amandman SNS-a na Zakon o računovodstvu, finansijske izveštaje preduzeća više neće dostavljati Agenciji za privredne registre, već NBS-u.
Ovo će biti jedna od novina koju donosi Zakon o računovodstvu ukoliko amandman sa ovim predlogom, koji su predložili naprednjaci, dobije podršku većine poslanika. Na sednici Odbora za finansije u sredu, zahvaljujući glasovima SNS i opozicionog SPO, ova izmena je "prošla", pišu Novosti.

Amandman naprednjaka uzburkao je strasti i u vladajućoj koaliciji. Regionalisti na Odobru nisu podržali ovaj predlog, dok su socijalisti ostali uzdržani. Protiv su bile i demokrate. Glavni argument URS i DS protiv ove izmene je taj da će se time dodatno opteretiti privreda, budući da će privredni subjekti u praksi slati duple izveštaje. Jer, kako su naveli, postoje drugi zakonski propisi prema kojima su pravna lica već u obavezi da izveštaje dostavljaju Agenciji.

I predstavnik Ministarstva finansija Zlatko Milikić usprotivio se u sredu na sednici Odbora usvajanju ovog amandmana:

"Sada se stvara jedna situacija u kojoj će privredni subjekti dvostruko morati da dostavljaju izveštaje. Bolje je rešenje da APR, po službenoj dužnosti, prosleđuje sve finansijske izveštaje NBS bez naknade."

Poslanik SNS Zoran Antić rekao je da je najbolje rešenje da se svi finansijski izveštaji šalju u bazu podataka NBS, budući da je uloga centralne banke da se stara o stabilnosti finansijskog sektora:

"Da bi to mogla da ispuni potrebni su joj relevantni podaci. Možda se javlja kontradiktornost sa drugim zakonima, ali se i to može uskladiti."

Aleksandar Senić iz DS smatra da NBS želi da pribavi nadležnosti APR koje, kako kaže, nema nijedna centralna banka u EU:

"To postoji još samo u Belgiji. Nemamo ništa protiv toga da NBS ima relevantne podatke, ali zašto preko leđa privrede. Očigledno SNS želi da udovolji želji guvernerke. "

Predsednica Odbora za finansije Vesna Kovač (URS), koja je glasala protiv tog amandmana, smatra da je takav predlog "korak unazad u procesu reformi".

"Ne mislim da je to loša namera, više je možda stvar nerazmišljanja. Mislim da ima vremena da do četvrtka razmislimo o tome i učinimo ono što je najbolje."

Wheat harvest almost complete, "exceeds expectations"
BELGRADE -- This year's wheat harvest in Serbia is almost complete and the yield exceeds the expectations, ranging from 4.5 to 5 tons per hectare.
The quality of the grain is "exceptional," advisor to the president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) Milan Prostran said on Wednesday.

According to estimates, this year's wheat production will total around 2,5 million tons, which is 500,000 tons more than last year, Prostran said in an interview for Tanjug.

He noted that around 70 percent of wheat crops have been harvested so far and the harvest in hilly and mountainous areas of the country and in central Serbia should be completed by July 20.

According to him, the moisture of the wheat grain totals from 14.5 to 15 percent and for the most part, the crop does not need to be dried additionally.

The wheat grain is mostly stored and a smaller portion of it is sold due to the low purchase price ranging from RSD 14.5 to RSD 16 per kilogram, Prostran said.

The price is inadequate for both farmers and millers as the latter fear that they would not be able to get sufficient wheat quantities in time, he said and added that a satisfactory purchase price would total around RSD 19 to 20 per kilogram.

Prostran recalled that the Commodity Reserves would make an intervention in the market and purchase a certain quantity of wheat.

He noted that the barley harvest is complete and the crops exceed the expectations and total from 5 to 5.5 tons per hectare.

Barley was sown on smaller plots of land to the total area of 80,000 to 100,000 hectares, and is used for cattle feed, and in the beer industry.

IMF rep doubts target deficit of 4.7 percent of GDP
BELGRADE -- Serbia`s planned budget deficit for 2013 is still too ambitious unless additional measures are taken, says IMF Resident Representative Bogdan Lissovolik.
The adopted budget balancing law states that the figure must not exceed 4.7 percent of GDP.

If the budget deficit ends up exceeding the target at the state level, additional savings will have to be made, and there are still no measures planned in case this happens, Lissovolik said in an interview for the latest issue of the weekly NIN.

Government measures aimed at savings are good, added Lissovolik, noting that many problems will still be there next year, so efforts to reduce the fiscal deficit must be consistent and sustainable.

Lissovolik noted that that cutting spending on capital investments might not really reduce public spending, if one portion is just pushed from 2013 to 2014.

"The government should also take other measures to reduce spending in all coming years," he said.

The outgoing IMF representative in Serbia says the chances that the deficit will be 4.7 percent are not high, because even the explanation accompanying the balancing bill said there is a considerable risk that revenue will end up RSD 15 billion short of the planned sum, or even more.

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