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Pokrenuta proizvodnja u svim pogonima hemijske industrije Župe - Posao za 130 radnika
Novi vlasnik kruševačke Župe, firma Eucom pokrenuo je proizvodnju u sve četiri fabrike te hemijske industrije, a zaposleno je 130 ljudi, rečeno je Beti u tom preduzeću.

- U rad su puštena sva tri pogona pesticida, jedan pogon sulfata, dva pogona ksantata i pogon kalijumove hemije. Trenutno zapošljavamo 130 ljudi i radimo početnim kapacitetima, a cilj je bio da pokrenemo što više pogona, odnosno da se u prvoj godini na tržištu pojavi Župin program - rekao je generalni direktor Župe Aleksandar Mandić.

Obnovljena je proizvodnja plavog kamena, po kome je Župa nekada bila prepoznatljiva, i on se osim na domaćem prodaje i na stranom tržištu, dok je kod pesticida, kako je Mandić kazao, situacija sprecifična jer je za njihovu registraciju potrebno dve godine.

- Nekada je Župa imala više od 100 dozvola za pesticide, kada smo je preuzeli imala je 12, do sada smo pokrenuli proizvodnju osam, očekujemo da pokrenemo proizvodnju još tri pesticida, kao i da do kraja godine proradi pogon aditiva stočne hrane - rekao je Mandić.

Plan je da se, dodao je on, svi pogoni saniraju i osavremene, te da se organizuje "ozbiljna proizvodnja" i da se proizvodi osim na domaćem plasiraju i na strano tržište.

Pred Župom je, kako je kazao Mandić, mukotrpan rad kako bi se vratila na tržište na koje su u međuvremenu ušli veliki distributeri i drugi proizvođači, a u uspeh ne sumnja jer Župu vidi kao sinonim za kvalitet u proizvodnji i distribuciji raznih hemijskih proizvoda. Cilj je da polovinom sledeće godine u fabrici radi oko 200 ljudi, a očekivanja su da, u zavisnosti od tržišta, u periodu do pet do deset godina Župa ima od 300 do 500 radnika.

Beogradska firma Eucom je u decembru prošle godine za 316,2 miliona dinara kupila Župu u stečaju, kao jedini ponuđač na oglasu koji je objavila Agencija za licenciranje stečajnih upravnika. Župa je bila privatizovana 2003. godine, dve godine kasnije je ugovor o prodaji raskinut, a posle nekoliko neuspešnih tendera 2010. godine je ušla u postupak restrukturiranja.

Tokom prethodne skoro decenije i po radnici su kroz socijalne programe napuštali fabriku i od oko 1.400 na početku privatizacije, u Župi je pred uvođenje stečaja radilo samo 18 ljudi.

Production initiated in all facilities of chemical industry Zupa – Jobs for 130 workers
The new owner of the Krusevac-based company Zupa, Eucom, has initiated the production in all four companies of this chemical industry, and more than 130 people have been employed, the company said for Beta.

– All three pesticide facilities, one sulfate facility, two xanthate facilities and one potassium facility have been put into operation. We currently employ 130 people and we are at initial capacities at the moment. The aim was to start as many facilities as possible, that is, to have Zupa"s products in the market in the first year of operations – said the director general of Zupa, Aleksandar Mandic.

The production of bluestone, which Zupa used to be famous for, has been restarted as well. The product is selling in both the local and foreign markets, whereas the situation with pesticides is specific, as Mandis says, because it takes two years to register such products.

– Zupa used to have more than 100 permits for pesticides. At the time we took it over, it had 12, and we"ve initiated the production of eight of them, whereas another three are expected. The animal feed additive facility is also expected to start operating by the end of the year – Mandic said.

The plan, as he added, is for all facilities to be recovered and modernized and for "serious production" to be organized, whereas the products are to be placed in both the local and foreign markets.

As Mandic says, Zupa is looking at hard work if it wants to return to the market, which was penetrated by big distributors and other producers in the meantime. He doesn"t doubt they will succeed, as he sees Zupa as a synonym for quality in production and distribution of various chemical products. The aim is to have around employees by mid-2018, and the company is expected to have 300 to 500 employees in the next five to ten years, depending on the market.

The Belgrade-based company Eucom bought Zupa in bankruptcy for RSD 316.2 million in December 2016, as the only bidder to answer the ad placed by the Bankruptcy Supervision Agency. Zupa was privatized in 2003, the sales agreement was terminated two years later, and it entered the process of restructuring in 2010, following several unsuccessful tenders.

In the past decade and a half, the workers have been leaving the factory through social programs. Of around 1,400 of them at the beginning of the privatization, only 18 people worked in Zupa prior to the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings.

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