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Aerodrom Tivat ide u dugoročni zakup
Vlada Crne Gore daće u dugoročni zakup zainteresovanom stranom investitoru Aerodrom Tivat, jer joj ne odgovara model kreditiranja rekonstrukcije te vazdušne luke koji je predložila Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD), kazao je u subotu (27. maja 2017. godine) crnogorski premijer Duško Marković.

- Naše opredeljenje je da ćemo Aerodrome Crne Gore (ACG) u celini, a posebno Aerodrom Tivat, pokušati da valorizujemo kroz model dugoročnog zakupa. Postoje ozbiljna interesovanja kredibilnih svetskih kompanija i za ovaj prostor. Mi sa Svetskom bankom u ovom momentu radimo na projektovanju modela, mislim da će to biti veoma brzo i tada ćemo izaći sa konkretnim predlogom - kazao je u Tivtu Marković, odgovarajući na pitanje Vijesti zbog čega se zastalo sa već dogovorenim aranžmanom ACG, po kome bi EBRD toj državnoj firmi dao dugoročni kredit za rekonstrukciju tivatske vazdušne luke vrednu oko 50 mil EUR, ne tražeći pritom garancije države za njega.

Aerodromi Crne Gore su, inače, sa EBRD pripremili sve za raspisivanje tendera za projektovanje i izgradnju objekta novog putničkog terminala u Tivtu, odnosno tendera za pripremu glavnog projekta za manevarske površine i platformu kao i za parking za vozila. Da bi ti tenderi bili raspisani, čekalo se zeleno svetlo Vlade Crne Gore, jer je ACG u državnom vlasništvu. Prema nezvaničnim informacijama, osnovni razlog zašto je Vlada oklevala da uđe u ovaj projekat je to što je navodno, jedan od uslova EBRD da odobri ovaj kredit po veoma povoljnim uslovima, bio da Vlada garantuje da će Aerodrom Tivat nakon rekonstrukcije, najmanje još 10 godina ostati u državnoj svojini, odnosno da neće biti privatizovan.

- Znate da smo u postupku finansijske konsolidacije i svako novo zaduživanje nam otežava poziciju u pravcu realuzacije tog našeg stratešog opredeljenja makroekonomske i finansijske stabilnosti - rekao je premijer dodajući da "u ovom trenutku nama taj model ne odgovara, ali još o njemu razgovaramo".

Long-term lease of Tivat Airport
The Government of Montenegro will lease the Tivat Airport to an interested foreign investor in the long term, as it finds the model of crediting the reconstruction of the airport proposed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) unsuitable, Dusko Markovic, Prime Minister of Montenegro, said on Saturday, May 27.

– We have opted to try to valorize the Airports of Montenegro on the whole, and the Tivat Airport in particular, through a long-term lease model. Some credible global companies have shown serious interest. We are currently working on preparing the model with the World Bank, I believe that this will happen very quickly and that we will present a concrete proposition – Markovic said in Tivat, responding to the Vijesti question about why the agreed arrangement for the Airports of Montenegro, according to which the EBRD would provide the state company with a long-term loan of around EUR 50 million for the reconstruction of the Tivat Airport, without asking for state guarantees, had been stalled.

The Airports of Montenegro had everything prepared with the EBRD for opening a tender for planning and raising a new passenger terminal in Tivat and a tender for the preparation of the main project for the maneuvering areas and and a platform, as well as a vehicle parking lot. The tenders were waiting for the green light by the Government of Montenegro, as the Airports of Montenegro is a state company. According to unofficial information, the main reason for the Government"s reluctance to enter the project was that, allegedly, one of the EBRD"s conditions for approving the loan under very favorable conditions was for the Government to guarantee that the Tivat Airport would remain in state ownership for at least 10 years following the reconstruction, that is, that it would not be privatized.

– As you know, we are undergoing the process of financial consolidation and each new debt makes it harder for us to realize our strategic orientation towards macroeconomic and financial stability – the prime minister said and added that “we do not find the model suitable at the moment, but we are still discussing it”.

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