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Telekom Srbija planira kupovinu kablovskih operatera
Telekom Srbija je u pregovorima sa određenim brojem kablovskih operatera i planira akvizicije nekoliko kompanija u ovoj oblasti, izjavio je generalni direktor Telekoma Predrag Ćulibrk.

U razgovoru za Večernje novosti on nije precizirao o kojim kompanijama je reč, ali je naveo da su pregovori otvoreni i da Telekom Srbija, kao kompanija koja transparentno posluje, neće ništa skrivati od javnosti ako i kada dogovor bude postignut.

Kaže i da Telekom Srbija ima finansijskih kapaciteta za te planove.

- Uz veliko razumevanje našeg većinskog akcionara, Republike Srbije, mislim da možemo još značajnije da investiramo, i to ne samo kroz sopstvena ulaganja u infrastrukturu, već i kroz akvizicije u periodu koji je pred nama - ističe Ćulibrk.

On podseća da domaći teleoperater već nekoliko godina drži stabilan udeo od 46% na tržištu mobilne telefonije i oko 25% učešća u segmentu televizijskog sadržaja.

Istovremeno, ukazuje da danas na tržištu telekomunikacija u Srbiji, osim tri dominantna mobilna operatera, postoji 90 operatera TV usluga, oko 200 internet servis provajdera, te više od 20 operatora fiksne telefonije.

- Za očekivati je da dođe do ozbiljnije konsolidacije tržišta u narednom periodu, da se broj operatera svede na razumniju meru koja može da obezbedi rast tržišta i nove investicije i samim tim implementiranje novih usluga koje se očekuju - navodi Ćulibrk.

Telekom Srbija, naglašava, neće biti po strani, te stoga i pomenuti planovi o akvizicijama.

Osvrnuvši se na poruku iz Beča da je austrijski A1 nedavno najavio da ima milijardu evra za akvizicije u regionu, te da je ponovo pomenuo moguću kupovinu Telekoma Srbija, Ćulibrk kaže da takvih informacija - nema.

- Opet bih rekao da po iznosu od jedne milijarde evra sigurno nisu spremni za kupovinu Telekoma Srbija, jer smatram da naša kompanija vredi više - zaključuje generalni direktor domaćeg teleoperatera.

Delta Holding still waiting for permits for realization of three projects in Belgrade worth EUR 400
Delta Holding has prepared the money for the construction of a new office building, the shopping mall Delta Planet in Autokomanda and Delta Center in block 19, but it is still waiting for all the necessary permits. As said at the presentation of the companys business results in the first half of the current year, which took place on July 16, the company has not given up on the projects planned in the capital of Serbia.

– We are talking about the construction of a new Delta Holding office building, the Delta Planet shopping mall in Autokomanda and Delta Center in block 19, which will contain an InterContinental hotel, an exclusive office building, luxury retail space, restaurants and 600 parking spaces – said Zorana Zdrale Burlic, the CEO of Delta Real Estate.

The value of the three investments, as she said, exceeds EUR 400 million.

– The funds have been set aside and we are ready to open all three construction sites within 15 days of the obtaining of the building permits – Burlic pointed out, without specifying when this might happen.

In addition to projects in Serbia, Delta has also announced the opening of the Delta Planet shopping mall in Varna in the fourth quarter of the current year, as well the opening of Delta Planet in Banjaluka in the first quarter of 2019.

The companys revenues in the first six months of 2018, as said at the presentation, amount to RSD 30.1 billion, and EBITDA is RSD 2.6 billion. The biggest share was realized by Delta Agrar (47%), followed by Delta Distribucija (32%), and RSD 5.4 billion was paid to the budget of the Republic of Serbia.


Zivorad Vasic, Vice President of Delta Holding, especially emphasized the results of Hotel Crowne Plaza, which, as he said, takes first place when it comes to employee satisfaction among all IHG hotels in Europe and third place when it comes to client satisfaction.

– With over 50,000 overnight stays in the first six months of this year, Hotel Crowne Plaza has an average occupancy of 71.5%, which means that, if you have 420 rooms, 280 were occupied each day in the first six months of 2018 – Vasic said.
The results of the operations of Hotel Holiday Inn Belgrade were presented as well. Its average occupancy in the first six months of 2018 stands at 75%, up from 65% in the same period last year. The revenues of Hotel InterContinental Ljubljana in the first half of the current year amount to EUR 4 million, with an average occupancy of 61%.


Delta Agrar, which, as said, achieved record results in the agrarian sector, especially when it comes to rapeseed yields of 4.5 t/ha and mercantile wheat yields of 8 t/ha, contributes the most to the companys results.

As they reminded, the realization of investments of a total of EUR 17.8 million in livestock breeding, sheep farming, reconstruction and modernization of farms, expansion of orchards in Zajecar and new mechanization is in progress. The value of the exports in the first two quarters, as said, amounted to EUR 28 million.

In his conversation with eKapija, Ivan Kostic, Vice President of Delta Holding and CEO of Delta Agrar, points out the importance of the Pink Lady apple variety, which is produced in Europe by five countries. This variety, he points out, has the same importance in fruit production as Coca-Cola does in the soft drink sector, and Delta has an exclusive agreement for the distribution of Pink Lady apples to the Russian market.

Kostic also points out the importance of the Viking technology, implemented in milk cow selection. These are Holstein cows, which, as he says, give 40 liters a day, that is, 12,000 liters a year.

– The plan is for our two farms, in Stara Pazova and Banatska Topola, to deliver over 20 million liters by 2020 – Kostic said.

It was pointed out at the conference that the sale of vehicles at Delta Motors had increased by 5.4%, at that the sale of motorcycles had increased by 27%. The BMW salon has been renovated, providing, among other things, virtual presentation of cars, whereas Delta Auto has recorded a growth of the sale of vehicles by 17%.

Furthermore, the first quarter of 2018 at Delta DMD was marked by organizational restructuring, which has resulted in a growth of EBITDA by 93%. As said, contracts with Diageo and Ferrero have been extended, and a contract with GSK has been signed. Delta Transportni Sitem has realized a growth of revenues of 17%.

Telekom Srbija planning purchase of cable operators
Telekom Srbija is negotiating with a certain number of cable operators and is planning the acquisition of several companies in this field, stated the CEO of Telekom, Predrag Culibrk.

In his interview with Vecernje Novosti, he didnt specify the names of the companies, but he said that the negotiations were open and that Telekom Srbija, as a transparent company, would not hide anything from the public if and when the agreement is reached.

He also says that Telekom Srbija has the financial capacities for those plans.

– With the great understanding of our majority shareholder, the Republic of Serbia, I believe that we can make even more significant investments, not just through our own investments in infrastructure, but also through acquisition in the period ahead of us – Culibrk points out.

He reminds that the local teleoperator has been holding a stable share of 46% in the market of mobile phone services for several years now, as well as 25% of the TV content segment.

At the same time, he points out that, today, in the TC market in Serbia, aside from the three dominant mobile operators, there are 90 TV service providers, around 200 internet service providers, as well as over 20 landline phone operators.

– It is to be expected that a substantial market consolidation will take place in the upcoming period and that the number of operators will drop to a more reasonable figure, which can secure the growth of the market and new investments and with it the implementation of new services that are being expected – Culibrk says.

Telekom Srbija, he emphasizes, will not stay on the sidelines in all this, hence the acquisition plans.

Commenting on the recent announcement by Austrias A1, which said that it had a billion euros for acquisitions in the region and mentioned a potential purchase of Telekom Srbija again, Culibrk says that he doesnt have that kind of information.

– I would like to note again that, at the amount of one billion euros, they are certainly not ready for the purchase of Telekom Srbija, as I believe that our company is worth more – says the CEO of Telekom Srbija.

Francuski preduzetnici sve više zainteresovani za Srbiju
Trgovinska saradnja izmedu Srbije i Francuske značajno raste poslednjih godina, a prošle godine rast je bio 17 odsto i premašeno je milijardu evra, rekla je za RTS direktorka Francusko-srpske privredne komore u Beogradu Sanja Ivanić.

Ona je uoci susreta predsednika Vučića i Makrona u Parizu rekla da se nada da će danas biti poznat datum posete francuskog predsednika Srbiji, jer je to, kaže, važno iz više razloga.

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