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Tender za prodaju Luke Novi Sad u septembru
Tender za privatizaciju Luke Novi Sad, jedine preostale luke u većinskom vlasništvu države, trebalo bi da bude objavljen u septembru. Za tu luku su zainteresovane najpoznatije kompanije u svetu, rečeno je Tanjugu u Ministarstvu građevine, saobraćaja i infrastrukture.

- Završavamo rad na imovinskom stanju Luke Novi Sad. Da bi se sprovela privatizacija neophodno je izdvojiti lučko zemljište i infrastrukturu, koji će ostati u svojini Srbije, tako da će predmet privatizacije biti biznis luke i ono što se zove suprastruktura - kranovi, zgrade, magacini i slično - rekao je pomoćnik ministra za vodni saobraćaj Veljko Kovačević.

Privatizacijom će, kako je kazao, biti obezbeđeno više od 15 mil EUR investicionog ulaganja u razvoj Luke: izgradnju nove operativne obale, novog silosa i mehanizacije.

To će ubrzati njen rad, jer Luka trenutno ima pretovar od oko milion tona robe godišnje, a kapaciteti su joj veći od 2,5 miliona tona.

- Zastarela mehanizacija, neefikasnost i sporost luke je nešto što je trenutno *ubija* na tržištu. I privatizacija i novi investicioni kapital treba da omoguće brži razvoj luke - napominje Kovačević.

Sproveden je, dodaje, postupak izdvajanja dela imovine i prenos na Republiku Srbiju i trenutno se završava privatizaciona dokumentacija.

- Očekujemo da ćemo u septembru imati raspisan tender za privatizaciju, odnosno izbor lučkog operatera. Imamo ogroman interes za tu luku i to najrenomiranijih firmi u svetu u oblasti lučkog biznisa - kazao je on.

Neke od tih kompanija su, prema njegovim rečima, Dubai Port World iz Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, nemački Rhenus i američka Valona Group. Takođe, veliki broj drugih poznatih kompanija je već poslao pismo o namerama.

Tendering for the sale of Port of Novi Sad to take place in September
The tendering for the privatization of the Port of Novi Sad, the only remaining port with a majority stake belonging to the state, should start in September. Some of the most famous companies in the world are interested in the port, the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure told Tanjug.

– We are completing the work on defining the property of the Port of Novi Sad. In order for the privatization to be carried out, port land and infrastructure, which will remain in the ownership of the Republic of Serbia, need to be extracted, which means that the object of the privatization will be the port"s business and it suprastructure – cranes, buildings, warehouses and similar facilities – said the assistant to the minister for water transport, Veljko Kovacevic.

As he said, the privatization will secure over EUR 15 million of investments in the development of the port: the construction of a new wharfage, a new silo and the mechanization.

This will accelerate its operations, as the port currently reloads around a million tons of goods a year, and its capacities exceed 2.5 million tons.

– The obsolete mechanization, the inefficiency and the slowness of the port are what lower its place in the market at the moment. Both the privatization and the new investment capital should enable a quicker development of the port – Kovacevic notes.

He adds that the procedure of the extraction of a part of the property and its transfer to the Republic of Serbia has been carried out and that the privatization documentation is currently being prepared.

– We expect the tendering for the privatization, that is, the selection of the port operator to start in September. Some of the most reputable companies in the port business have expressed a great interest in the port – he said.

According to him, these companies include Dubai Port World from the United Arab Emirates, Germany"s Rhenus and the American Valona Group. Also, numerous other well known companies have already sent letters of intent.

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