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Država traži strateškog partnera za Fabriku stakla u Paraćinu
Premijerka Srbije Ana Brnabić izjavila je u subotu, 23. januara, da država neće odustati od traženja strateškog partnera za Fabriku stakla Paraćin i istakla da je to jedan od glavnih prioriteta Vlade Srbije kada je reč o toj opštini.

Brnabić je kao prioritetni projekat u Paraćinu izdvojila i rekonstrukciju Osnovne škole Radoje Domanović, navodeći da je vrednost te investicije 250 miliona dinara.

- Moj kabinet, uz pomoć i podršku predsednika Republika, bavi se srpskom fabrikom stakla Paraćin, od koje nećemo odustati, jer je to strateški važna investicija za celu Srbiju - rekla je Brnabić u Paraćinu gde je sa ministrom građevine, saobraćaja i infrastrukture Tomislavom Momirovicem i ministarkom državne uprave i lokalne samouprave Marijom Obradović posetila Industrijsku zonu i osnovnu školu.

Brnabićeva je kazala da je fabrika stakla u stečaju, a da će, ako se oživi, Srbija biti izvoznik staklene ambalaže za čitav region.

- U ovom trenutku imamo razgovore sa određenim investitorima, pozvali smo investitore iz celog sveta da dođu da pogledaju finansijske i druge izveštaje i potencijale fabrike stakla, za koje mislimo da su ogromni - navela je Brnabićeva.

Ona je kazala da je sa rukovodstvom opštine razgovarala o potpunom komunalnom opremanju i sređivanju industrijske zone u Paraćinu.

- Nastavljamo da se borimo za investitore na području opštine Paraćin i očekukemo da se, iz podsticaja koja smo ranije dali za dva investitora, među kojima je i Remaster, zaposli još oko 200 ljudi - navela je premijerka.

Naglasila je da je prioritet u Paraćinu i rekonstrukcija Osnovna škole Radoje Domanović i najavila da će u naredna dva meseca biti raspisan tender za izvođača radova.

Kako je rekla, sa rukovodstvom opštine razgovarala je i o dodatnim projektima koji su bili planirani u okviru budžeta Kancelarije za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima kao što su Opšta bolnica, vodovodna i kanalizaciona mreža.

State Looking for Strategic Partner for Fabrika Stakla Paracin
Serbian Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Saturday, January 23, that the state would not give up on trying to find a strategic partner for the glass manufacturer Fabrika Stakla Paracin and pointed out that it was one of the government’s priorities in that municipality.

Brnabic also highlighted the reconstruction of the “Radoje Domanovic” elementary school as one of the priority projects in Paracin and added that the investment was worth RSD 250 million.

– My cabinet, with help and support from the president of Serbia, is actively seeking a solution for Fabrika Stakla Paracin, which we will not give up on, because it is a strategically important investment for the entire Serbia – Brnabic said in Paracin, where she visited the Industrial Zone and said elementary school, together with the minister of construction, transport and infrastructure, Tomislav Momirovic, and the minister of public administration and local self-government, Marija Obradovic.

Brnabic said that the glass factory was in bankruptcy and that, if they managed to revive it, Serbia would be an exporter of glass packaging for the entire region.

– At the moment, we are talking to certain investors. We have invited investors from the whole world to come look at the financial and other reports and the potentials of the glass factory, which we believe are enormous – Brnabic said.

She said that she had talked to the management of the municipality about a full utility equipping and the development of the industrial zone in Paracin.

– We keep trying to attract investors to the municipality of Paracin and we expect around 200 people more to be employed thanks to the incentives we provided earlier to two investors, one of which is Rimaster – the prime minister said.

She emphasized that another priority in Paracin was the reconstruction of the “Radoje Domanovic” elementary school and announced that a tender for the contractor would open in the next two months.

According to her, she also discussed addition project planned within the budget of the Office for Public Investment Management with the authorities in the municipality. These include the General Hospital, the waterworks and the sewer system.

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