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U pripremi privatizacije Laste i Petrohemije
Ministarstvo privede bi do kraja juna trebalo da raspiše tendere za privatizaciju Laste i Petrohemije, što znači da bi narednih meseci nešto više od 3.000 zaposlenih u ovim preduzećima moglo da dobije novog vlasnika.

Država ne odustaje od traganja za potencijalnim kupcima ili strateškim partnerima za kompanije koje su u njenoj ingerenciji, kojih je prema poslednjim podacima nešto više od 70, piše Blic.

Od tog broja, za bar 30 neizvesno je kada će se oglasiti prodaja zbog spornih imovinsko-pravnih, sudskih ili nekih drugih problema. Ono što je izvesno to je da će do kraja godine bar pet strateški važnih firmi ući u proces privatizacije, a prve na tom spisku su Lasta i Petrohemija.

Za njih je, prema saznanjima Blica, gotovo pripremljen teren da se narednih meseci objavi tender jer se od strane privatizacionih savetnika izrada potrebne dokumentacije privodi kraju, a na Ministarstvu privrede je da definiše način i uslove kojima bi mogli da privuku potencijalne kupce ili strateške partnere.

Od tih uslova, reč je o ceni, statusu zaposlenih ali i investicija, zavisi da li će se kompanije koje su u prethodnom periodu u razgovorima sa predstavnicima vlasti, pokazale interesovanje, javiti i na zvaničan poziv.

U sindikatima ovih kompanija različita su saznanja oko raspisivanja tendera. U Lasti nisu upoznati sa planovima, dok u Petrohemiji kažu da imaju saznanja da bi tender za njih trebalo da se raspiše narednih meseci.

Iz Ministarstva privrede nisu zvanično želeli da komentarišu, ali nazvanično je poručeno da je plan da do kraja godine bar četiri velike firme dobiju nove vlasnike, među kojima su i Lasta i Petrohemija.

Privatization of Lasta and Petrohemija in Preparation
By the end of June, the Ministry of Economy should open the tenders for the privatization of Lasta and Petrohemija, which means that, in the upcoming months, slightly over 3,000 employees at these companies might get a new owner.

The state is not giving up on looking for potential buyers or strategic partners for companies which it is responsible for, of which there are slightly more than 70 according to the most recent data, Blic writes.

Of these, for at least 30 of them, it is not certain when the sale is to be advertised, due to the unresolved property-legal, court or other problems. What is certain is that, by the end of the year, at least five strategically important companies are to enter the privatization process, and Lasta and Petrohemija are first on the list.

For them, according to Blic’s findings, nearly everything is ready for the tenders to be opened in the upcoming months, because the privatization advisers are bringing the preparation of the necessary documentation to a close, and it is up to the Ministry of Economy to define the way and the conditions by which they could attract potential buyers or strategic partners.

As for the conditions, they pertain to the price, the employees’ status, but also the investments. Whether the companies that have shown an interest in the past period during the talks with representatives of the authorities are to respond to the public invitation depends on those conditions.

The trade unions at these companies have different findings about the opening of the tenders. At Lasta, they are not familiar with the plans, whereas, in Petrohemija, they say that they have findings that the tender for that company should be opened in the upcoming months.

The Ministry of Economy declined to make an official comment, but, unofficially, it was said that the plan was for at least four large companies, Lasta and Petrohemija included, to get new owners by the end of the year.

Beogradska kompanija Candy Rush kupila fabriku čokolade Simka u Vranju
Kompanija Candy Rush iz Beograda proglašena je kupcem Industrije hrane Dunja u čijem se sastavu nalazi i fabrika čokolade Simka u Vranju, kaže za eKapiju stečajni upravnik Mihajlo Koruga. Popularna Simka prodata je za 187,9 miliona dinara.

- Na javnom nadmetanju 30. marta proglašen je kupac, koji je uplatio depozit od nešto više od 75 miliona dinara i prihvatio sve uslove. Očekujem da danas bude potpisan ugovor, a kupac ima rok od 8 dana da uplati još oko 112 miliona dinara - kaže Koruga.

Fabrika čokolade u Vranju osnovana je 1997. godine i nalazi se u industrijskoj zoni u tom gradu, odmah pored naselja. Raspolaže sa 5.284,1 m2 prostora za proizvodnju konditorskih proizvoda, a kako je u oglasu o prodaji navedeno "tehnološki je opremljena za proizvodnju po najsavremenijim standardima".

Industrija hrane Dunja u stečaju je od marta 2020. godine.

Kompanija Candy Rush se takođe bavi proizvodnjom konditorskih proizvoda, a Koruga ističe da je želja bivših radnika da se u Vranju ponovo pokrene proizvodnja.

Belgrade Company Candy Rush Buys Chocolate Factory Simka in Vranje
The Belgrade-based company Candy Rush has been declared the purchaser of Industrija Hrane Dunja, which includes the Simka chocolate factory in Vranje, the bankruptcy supervisor, Mihajlo Koruga, says for eKapija. The popular Simka was sold for RSD 187.9 million.

– The purchaser was declared at the public bidding on March 30. It had paid a deposit of slightly over RSD 75 million and accepted all the terms. I expect the agreement to be signed today, and the purchaser has 8 days to pay an additional sum of around RSD 112 million – Koruga says.

The chocolate factory in Vranje was founded in 1997 and is located in the city’s industrial zone, right next to the populated area. It has 5,284.1 m2 of space for the production of confectionery, and the sales ad said that “it is technologically equipped for production in line with the most modern standards”.

Industrija Hrane Dunja has been in bankruptcy since March 2020.

Candy Rush also produces confectionery, and Koruga points out that the former employees want the production to be relaunched in Vranje.

Yanfeng, Wacker Neuson and IME Autolift to Open Three New Factories in Kragujevac This Year – Jobs f
International corporations Yanfeng, Wacker Neuson and IME Autolift are to open three new factories in Kragujevac this year, where 800 workers will be employed, the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (CCIS) told Tanjug.

– These companies have been operating successfully in the territory of Kragujevac for years now, and they are opening new facilities due to the expansion of production capacities and the good investment climate – stated the coordinator for industry at the Regional Chamber of Commerce for Sumadija and Pomoravlje Districts, Sasa Curcic.

He added that the good investment climate was the result of the efforts of the local self-governments of Serbia, which are quickly developing industrial and business zones.

Curcic said that, since 2018, in close proximity to Kragujevac, one of the largest private industrial zones in Serbia, MIND Park, taking up around 150 hectares, had been established.

In this location, Curcic notes, IME Autolift, the producer and rail vehicle equipment service provider, owned by the Austrian company Autolift, opened production facilities on 2,300 square meters.

He added that one of the world’s largest car component producers, Yanfeng, was also spreading its production capacities.

In addition to the already built facility on 24,500 square meters, where car interiors are produced, the company will build another 30,000 square meters in the upcoming months, where they will produce metal components for the automotive industry.

Curcic specified that the construction of those facilities was in the final stage and that the production was expected to start in early June.

– The new production capacities will employ 600 workers. The fact that, for that purpose, CT Park bought 6.1 hectares of land at the Industrial Zone Phoenix in Kragujevac last year speaks to the seriousness of their intentions – Curcic said.

He also said that Wacker Neuson, a company which has operated for years in the sector of production of welded structures and construction machine bodies, had announced that it would start building new facilities in May.

The production manager at this company, Branko Ilic, announced the construction of 22,000 square meters and 200 new jobs.

The Chamber of Commerce of Serbia emphasizes that numerous foreign companies, such as Fiat, Siemens, or Meggle, but also local companies, such as Forma Ideale, Agromarket, Pestan, Stublina, Jela, AMM, Bekament and others, had noticed the good business environment in Sumadija and Pomoravlje.

Vol Strit: Indeks S&P prvi put prešao prag od 4.000 poena
Indeks Njujorške berze S&P 500 prvi put je prešao prag od 4.000 poena, nadogradivši solidan rast iz marta posle predstavljanja infrastrukturnog plana predsednika SAD-a Džoa Bajdena.

Najširi referentni indeks Vol Strita, S&P 500, porastao je za 0,8% dostigavši novu dnevnu rekordnu vrednost od 4.010,46 poena, prenosi CNBC.

Industrijski indeks Dau Džons popeo se za 150 poena, a tehnološki Nasdak Kompozit je skočio za 1,4%.

Tehnološki giganti Alphabet i Microsoft ojačali su za više od 2%, dok su Amazon, Facebook i Netflix napredovali za preko 1%.

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