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Vladina Stručna grupa počela izradu novog Nacionalnog programa za suzbijanje sive ekonomije
Stručna grupa Vlade Srbije počela je izradu novog Nacionalnog programa za suzbijanje sive ekonomije i do septembra ovaj strateški dokument naći će se pred ministrima, a njegovo usvajanje daće novi podsticaj unapređenju inspekcijskog nadzora i stvaranju fer poslovnog okruženja, smanjenjem rada na crno, nelegalne trgovine i izbegavanja plaćanja poreza, saopštio je NALED.

Na sednici Stručne grupe za suzbijanje sive ekonomije, koja okuplja predstavnike sedam ministarstava i drugih resornih institucija, NALED-a i privrede okupljene u Savezu za fer konkurenciju, predstavljen je koncept novog programa koji će imati četiri cilja – jačanje nadzora nad sivom ekonomijom i procesuiranja, unapređenje postupaka poreskog nadzora, fiskalno i administrativno rasterećenje odgovorne privrede i edukacija i promocija legalnog poslovanja.

- Sva ministarstva, inspekcije i privreda doprineli su da u potpunosti ili delimično sprovedemo 71,2% mera prethodnog Nacionalnog programa i to je jedan od programa koji ima najveći stepen realizacije. U međuvremenu značajno se odmaklo i sa uvođenjem digitalne fiskalizacije i eFaktura, kao i proširenjem elektronske procedure prijave povremenih radnika na nove delatnosti i sigurna sam da ćemo do kraja godine realizovati dodatne mere iz prethodnog akcionog plana tako da imamo dobar zalet da novi program bude još bolje implementiran – izjavila je Jelena Bojović, direktorka za regulatornu reformu u Naledu.

Jelena Ćirković, glavna savetnica u Evropskoj banci za obnovu i razvoj u Srbiji, koja je prisustvovala sednici, istakla je da je veoma značajno da su mere za unapređenje efikasnosti inspekcijskih organa važan deo Nacionalnog programa i da EBRD više od četiri godine podržava reformu inspekcijskog nadzora u našoj zemlji.

- Inspekcije su jedan od glavnih alata za suzbijanje sive ekonomije i EBRD je podržala niz aktivnosti koje su pomogle uspostavljanju sistema eInspektor koji je umrežio 37 republičkih inspekcija. Doprineli smo donošenju oko 150 pravnih akata koji su unapredili i harmonizovali inspekcijski nadzor i više od 800 kontrolnih listi po kojima inspektori kontrolišu privredu. Takođe smo pomogli usvajanje plana za zapošljavanje 1.272 inspektora tokom tri godine i više od 800 inspektora je prešlo u više zvanje što će poboljšati njihov materijalni položaj i motivaciju za rad – rekla je Ćirković i dodala da je na početku pandemije uspostavljen Kontakt centar republičkih inspekcija za prijavljivanje sive ekonomije koji je primio više od 22.000 predstavki građana i privrede.

Kako je rečeno na sednici, novi Nacionalni program trebalo bi, između ostalog, da obuhvati mere kao što su dalji razvoj sistema eInspektor, unapređenje efikasnosti prekršajnih postupaka, formiranje Vladine kancelarije za inspekcije i objedinjavanje srodnih inspekcija, unapređenje postupka legalizacije objekata, kao i unapređenje postupka utvrđivanja poreza na prenos apsolutnih prava kod kupovine polovnih vozila.

Tu su i važne podsticajne mere kao što su dalje smanjenje poreskog opterećenja rada, izrada javnog registra neporeskih nameta, stimulisanje bezgotovinskih plaćanja, proširenje sistema za prijavu sezonskih i povremenih radnika na građevinarstvo, turizam i ugostiteljstvo i poslove u kući, regulisanje nestandardnih oblika rada, poreske olakšice kao što su poresko oslobođenje u prvoj godini poslovanja, posebno za prioritetne kategorije kao što su paušalci ili određene delatnosti, regulisanje oblasti zanatstva, digitalizacija administra tivnih procedura i niz edukativnih kampanja.

Government’s Expert Group Begins Preparation of New National Program for Suppressing the Shadow Econ
The Expert Group of the Government of Serbia has begun preparing the new National Program for Suppressing the Shadow Economy and this strategic document will be put before the ministers by September, and its adoption will provide a new incentive to the improvement of inspection supervision and the creation of a fair business environment, reduction of illegal employment, illegal trade and tax evasion, the NALED announced.

At the session of the Expert Group for Suppressing the Shadow Economy, which brings together representatives of seven ministries and other competent institutions, the NALED and the economy gathered within the Fair Competition Alliance, the concept of the new program was presented. The program will have four objectives – increased supervision over the shadow economy and the processing, improvement of tax supervision procedures, fiscal and administrative unburdening of the responsible economy and education and promotion of legal business.

– All the ministries, inspection services and the economy contributed to the execution of 71.2% of the measures of the previous national program and it is one of the programs with the highest degree of realization. In the meantime, there’s been considerable progress with the implementation of digital fiscalization and eInvoices, as well as the expansion of the electronic procedure of registering occasional workers for new activities and I am sure that, by the end of the year, we will realize additional measures from the previous action plan, so we do have good momentum for the new program to be implemented even more successfully – stated Jelena Bojovic, the director for regulatory reform at the NALED.

Jelena Cirkovic, the main adviser at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Serbia, who attended the session, pointed out that it was very important that the measures for the improvement of the efficiency of the inspection organs comprised an important part of the national program and that, for more than four years, the EBRD had been supporting the reform of the inspection supervision in Serbia.

– The inspections are one of the main tools for suppressing the shadow economy and the EBRD has supported a range of activities which have helped establish the eInspector system, which has connected 37 state inspections. We have contributed to the adoption of around 150 legal acts, which have upgraded and harmonized inspection supervision, and more than 800 control lists which the inspectors use to control the economy. We have also helped adopt the plan for the employment of 1,272 inspectors over three years and more than 800 inspectors have been upgraded, which will help their material position and increase their motivation – Cirkovic said and added that, at the beginning of the pandemic, a contact center of state inspections for reporting the shadow economy had been established and that it had received over 22,000 reports from citizens and the economy.

As it was said at the session, among other things, the new national program should entail measures such as the further development of the eInspector system, the improvement of the efficiency of offense proceedings, the forming of the government’s office for inspections and the merging of related inspection services, the improvement of the procedure of the legalization of facilities, as well as the improvement of the procedure of determining the tax on the transfer of absolute rights when purchasing used vehicles.

There are also important incentives such as the further reduction of tax charges on labor, the preparation of a public register of non-tax charges, the stimulation of cashless payments, the expansion of the system for the registration of seasonal and temporary workers to construction, tourism and hospitality and home jobs, the regulation of non-standard forms of work, tax exemptions, such as being exempt from paying the taxes in the first year of doing business, especially for priority categories such as lump-sum taxpayers or certain activities, the regulation of crafts, the digitization of administrative procedures and a range of education campaigns.

Agreement on Gas Interconnector Serbia-Bulgaria Worth Nearly EUR 90 Million Signed
The financial agreement on the project of the construction of the gas interconnector Nis-Dimitrovgrad-Bulgaria has been signed at the Government of Serbia by the Serbian finance minister, Sinisa Mali, and the vice president of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Lilyana Pavlova.

The signing of the agreement was also attended by the Serbian mining and energy minister, Zorana Mihajlovic, and the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Sem Fabrizi.

The total value of the project, according to the estimate of the EIB, amounts to EUR 85.5 million, of which the EIB provides EUR 25 million as loans, EUR 49.6 million are grants from the EU IPA funds, whereas the rest is to be covered from the budget of Serbia and the own funds of the PE Srbijagas.

The construction is expected to begin in late 2021, and the planned capacity of the gas pipeline Nis-Dimitrovgrad is 1.8 billion cubic meters a year. The plan is for it to become operational by 2023.

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