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How do I set a price by which I will give a sell order for my shares?
Every share has three different values:
nominal value - share value on the day of share publication,
book value - share value in the firm's "books", in other words nominal value raised for ratio rise in price, before scheduled publication day,
market value - value of shares that someone is prepared to pay for.
Depending on wether they already trade shares from firms whose shares you posess on the Exchange, there are two different scenarios:
if trading shares on the Stock Exchange, the price from previous trading can be your benchmark for giving sell orders,
if there is no trading with given shares on the Stock Exchange, you need to consult with your broker or other shareholders, so that you can be informed in the Firm's operations and are able to foresee the movement of share prices when trading begins, the best way possible.
In both of these cases the importance of defining price by which you will sell shares needs to include your intentions of receiving funds based on sold shares and also the urgency of receiving these resources.
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