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Arhiva vesti
Beogradski sajam veći i lepši
Rekonstrukcija bi trajala najviše tri godine, a u ovom kompleksu sigurno će biti zadržan sadašnji izgled hala 1, 2 i 3, izjavio glavni arhitekta Edvard Mijić.Ukoliko postanu novi vlasnici Beogradskog sajma, konzorcijum italijanskog „Riminija” i kompanije „Verano motors” će u modernizaciju i izgradnju novih hala uložiti više od obaveznih 35 miliona evra, izjavili su juče predstavnici „Riminija”. Rekonstrukcija će trajati najviše tri godine, a u ovom kompleksu sigurno će biti zadržan sadašnji izgled hala 1, 2 i 3, rekao je Edvard Mijić, arhitekta studija GPM iz Hamburga, predstavljajući koncept razvoja novog sajma.

Posle rekonstrukcije, kako je planirano, izložbeni prostor će biti udvostručen, dok bi ovaj kompleks trebalo da dobije i nove upravne zgrade, saobraćajne prilaze, novu modernu pasarelu i dva podvožnjaka ispod železničkih šina.

Rekonstrukcija je podeljena u dve faze tokom kojih se neće prekidati sajamske aktivnosti, rekao je glavni arhitekta i dodao da će biti izgrađeno još osam novih hala površine 27.500 kvadratnih metara, kao i kongresni centar sa 1.600 mesta, restorani i drugi uslužni objekti površine 4.500 kvadrata, objasnio je Mijić.

Na zahtev Agencije za privatizaciju, ponuđač je juče dopunio kvalifikacionu dokumentaciju očekujući da postane novi vlasnik Beogradskog sajma.

Predstavnici „Riminija” su istakli da Srbija, uključivanjem u procese evropskih integracija, može da računa na veći obim međunarodne trgovine i ekonomske saradnje, a to direktno utiče na razvoj sajamske delatnosti.

Armando Varikjo, italijanski ambasador u Srbiji, izrazio je spremnost italijanske vlade da podrži ovu inicijativu preduzetnika koja bi mogla imati izuzetno pozitivno dejstvo na srpsku privredu i na kvalitet života u Beogradu, s posebnim osvrtom na zaštitu životne sredine i urbanističko poboljšanje.

– U saradnji sa renomiranim partnerima iz naše zemlje i inostranstva, imaćemo najznačajnije međunarodne sajamske ponude – izjavio je Lorenco Kanjoni, predsednik Upravnog odbora Sajma „Rimini”. – Kako bismo ostvarili ovaj cilj, trudićemo se da Beogradski sajam pretvorimo u elegantan, moderan i funkcionalan izložbeni centar, urađen po najvišim evropskim standardima.

On je dodao da će se na taj način uvećati broj izlagača i posetilaca sajamskih manifestacija u Beogradu, što će istovremeno biti i podsticaj privrednog razvoja.

Pjero Ventureli, generalni direktor „Riminija”, istakao je da će projekat unapređenja infrastrukture Beogradskog sajma doprineti njegovom daljem razvoju u budućnosti. Cilj je da sajam u Beogradu postane poslovni centar bez premca u regionu jugoistočnog Balkana.

Sajam „Rimini” je 15. juna, zajedno sa „Veranom”, dao ponudu na tenderu za privatizaciju Beogradskog sajma i jedini je kandidat za novog vlasnika. „Rimini” je treći po veličini izložbeni centar u Italiji, sa tradicijom dugom pola veka, a godišnje organizuje 41 sajamsku manifestaciju, od kojih 11 međunarodnog karaktera.

NIS-ove akcije stižu u avgustu
U Ministarstvu ekonomije tvrde da će podela besplatnih akcija ove kompanije njenim radnicima, penzionerima i građanima početi u avgustu.Podela besplatnih akcija zaposlenima i bivšim radnicima NIS-a trebalo bi da počne u zakonom propisanom roku, dakle tokom avgusta i taj rok će biti ispoštovan, kaže za „Politiku” Nikola Papak, savetnik ministra ekonomije. On napominje da sada ne može da se licitira kolika će biti vrednost jedne akcije i podseća da je pri Vladi Srbije osnovana radna grupa koja se bavi podelom besplatnih akcija.

Na konstataciju da u Ministarstvu energetike ne mogu ništa više da kažu o rokovima za početak podele NIS-ovih akcija, jer se čeka mišljenje Ministarstva ekonomije, Papak kaže da je i predstavnik Ministarstva energetike u toj radnoj grupi i da nema razloga da se čeka bilo čije mišljenje, jer svi oni zajedno rade.

Zakonski rok za početak podele besplatnih akcija zaposlenima, bivšim radnicima NIS-a i građanima jeste 10. avgust. Pravo na besplatne akcije ima 24.890 zaposlenih i bivših radnika NIS-a, kao i nešto manje od pet miliona građana Srbije, kaže Đorđe Petrović, predsednik Skupštine Udruženja budućih akcionara NIS-a.

– Zakonska obaveza je da podela besplatnih akcija počne najkasnije šest meseci od prodaje javnog preduzeća čije su akcije predviđene za besplatnu podelu. S obzirom na to da je NIS kupljen u februaru, 10. avgust bi trebalo da bude poslednji rok za početak podele akcija – pojašnjava Petrović.

Međutim, predsednik Skupštine Udruženja budućih akcionara NIS-a sumnja da će taj rok biti ispoštovan. Zbog toga je ovo udruženje pre dve nedelje Ministarstvu ekonomije, na koje ih je uputilo Ministarstvo energetike, poslalo pismo s molbom da razgovaraju o početku podele besplatnih akcija, jer to zanima veliki broj građana. Ali, odgovor nisu dobili.

Upitan šta bi mogao biti razlog eventualnog odlaganja roka za početak podele besplatnih akcija, Petrović kaže da je glavni problem što je „Diloit i Tuš” procenio da kompanija vredi 2,2 milijarde evra, a 51 odsto je prodat za 400 miliona evra. Zbog toga je vrednost jedne akcije sa očekivanih 270 evra pala na 96.

Po ugovoru potpisanom s „Gaspromnjeftom”, kupac je dužan da akcionarima plati akciju po ceni po kojoj je i on kupio, dakle 96 evra, kaže Petrović.

Ovaj naš sagovornik inače odbija spekulacije da je razlog eventualnog pomeranja roka za početak podele besplatnih akcija to što je stiglo mnogo pritužbi zaposlenih i građana koje tek treba razmotriti, a rokovi su prekratki.

U Ministarstvu energetike, kako nam je rečeno, ne mogu ništa preciznije da kažu o početku podele besplatnih akcija, jer čekaju instrukcije i mišljenje Ministarstva ekonomije. Oni ipak tvrde da je tačno da ima dosta žalbi radnika NIS-a i građana, što bi moglo da utiče na odlaganje roka za početak celog posla.

Veljko Žunić, predsednik Jedinstvene sindikalne organizacije NIS Rafinerije „Pančevo”, potvrđuje da sada niko ne može da kaže da li će 10. avgust kao rok za početak podele besplatnih akcija biti ispoštovan. Pre četiri dana iz Ministarstva ekonomije im je rečeno, kako kaže, da se o tome raspitaju u pomenutoj vladinoj radnoj grupi.

– Pre tog odgovora obraćali smo se Ministarstvu energetike koje nas je uputilo na Ministarstvo ekonomije, iz čega zaključujemo da je počelo prebacivanje vrućeg krompira – kaže Žunić. – Zato je nedavno na sastanku Samostalnog sindikata energetike i petrohemije odlučeno da se o svemu zatraži objašnjenje od premijera Srbije i predsednice Narodne skupštine – kaže Žunić.

Prema članu 24. Zakona o podeli besplatnih akcija građanima, radna grupa treba najpre da pripremi akt o podeli akcija kompanije koji Vlada Srbije treba da usvoji. A ta procedura još nije ni počela, ukazuje Žunić.

Banke pripremaju ponude za gotovinske zajmove
Banke u Srbiji polako počinju da nude keš kredite na pet godina - i dinarske i one vezane za evro. Pojedine pripremaju ponude i za još duži period otplate - na deset godina. Iako je od odluke Narodne banke prošlo nekoliko nedelja, utisak je da banke ne žure da građanima ponude povoljnije uslove za kreditiranje.

Među prvim bankama koja je ponudile gotovinske kredite sa dužim rokom otplate je „Findomestik banka”. Ovi krediti koji su vezani za evro odobravaju se u iznosu od 5.000 do dva miliona dinara, od šest do 60 meseci.
„Rajfajzen banka” od prošle nedelje počela je da odobrava gotovinske kredite sa rokom otplate do pet godina. I „Hipo Alpe-Adrija banka” nudi keš kredite u dinarima i evrima i do 60 meseci. Nisu potrebni ni učešće ni depozit, s tim što građanin mora da prebaci da platu prima preko tekućeg računa otvorenog u ovoj banci.
„Banka Inteza” će tek objaviti nove redefinisane uslove kreditiranja. U zavisnosti od modela, krediti će biti odobravani na rok otplate od pet i deset godina i sa nižim kamatnim stopama. Ponudu pripremaju i u „Volks banci”, „Unikredit banci” i „Sosijete ženeral banci”. „Komercijalna banka” ne priprema nove uslove za keš zajmove, ali oni klijenti koji već imaju gotovinski kredit u ovoj banci mogu da računaju da će im rok otplate biti produžen za petinu.

U pregovore sa MMF-om uz veliki minus
Da će manjak u državnoj kasi, koji je krajem juna trebalo da se kreće oko 20 milijardi dinara, znatno nadmašiti iznos planiran rebalansom budžeta za 2009. godinu, ne treba sumnjati.

Najnoviji podaci objavljeni na sajtu Ministarstva finansija ukazuju da su prihodi ostvareni u prethodnih šest meseci premašili 281,7 milijardi dinara dok su budžetski izdaci bili veći od 336,9 milijardi dinara što znači da je zabeležen deficit od oko 55,2 milijarde dinara. I dok ministar ekonomije Mlađan Dinkić ovako slab šestomesečni skor objašnjava finansijskom nedisciplinom u naplati budžetskih sredstava i ističe da to predstavlja veliki problem, premijer Mirko Cvetković optimistički izjavljuje da situacija nije alarmantna „jer su prihodi od poreza i carina u skladu sa očekivanjima“ i da bezbrižno dočekujemo predstojeće pregovore sa Međunarodnim monetarnim fondom.

Optimizam premijera Cvetkovića ne dele i ekonomisti koji ističu da je ovakav scenario sasvim očekivan imajući u vidu, pre svega, pad privredne aktivnosti, ali i druge pokazatelje koji ukazuju da svetska ekonomska kriza nije zaobišla Srbiju.

- Već je naplata prihoda u maju nagovestila da će priliv sredstava u budžet biti manji od planiranog, kao i da će se znatno odstupiti od stavki dogovorenih sa MMF-om. Uzroke za slabiji priliv novca u državnu kasu trebalo bi, osim pada privredne aktivnosti, tražiti i u padu prihoda od akciza, ali i u činjenici da je budžet ostao uskraćen i za prenošenje 40 odsto sopstvenih prihoda državnih institucija, a izostalo je i prebacivanje dobiti javnih preduzeća u državnu kasu. Zatajili su i prihodi od autorskih honorara koji su znatno slabiji od očekivanih - komentariše za Danas Milojko Arsić, profesor Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu, i upozorava da bi minus na nivou države, koji sada iznosi oko 35 milijardi dinara mogao da premaši 50 milijardi.

Jedan od izlaza iz ove nimalo zavidne situacije naš sagovornik vidi u tome da država poveća tražnju. Reč je, inače o tzv. anticikličnoj politici države koja na scenu stupa u trenutku pada privatne tražnje, a sve u cilju da se ublaže negativne posledice takvog trenda. On, međutim, smatra da to ne bi trebalo da bude dugoročna, već privremena mera, a da bi na duže staze trebalo razmišljati o novom paketu mera.

Prema oceni Miroslava Zdravkovića, urednika sajta, pad privredne aktivnosti je veoma dubok i prve efekte oporavka najpre industrijske proizvodnje, a zatim i naplate poreskih prihoda, trebalo bi očekivati tek u prvom tromesečju naredne godine. Zato bi, smatra on, u pregovore sa MMF-om trebalo ući otvoreno i sa jasno razrađenom strategijom.

- Trebalo bi priznati da je pad BDP znatno veći od projektovanih 3,5 odsto i to navesti kao argument za povećanje deficita za dodatnih 30 milijardi dinara. Drugim rečima, u pregovorima sa predstavnicima MMF-a trebalo bi zatražiti povećanje deficita na 100 milijardi dinara, a zauzvrat im obećati da ćemo naredne godine, kroz smanjenje rashoda i povećanje prihoda, budžetski deficit oboriti na, recimo, 50 milijardi dinara. U protivnom, ako država i dalje bude zatvarala oči pred upozoravajućim činjenicama, moglo bi se dogoditi da kraj godine dočekamo sa deficitom od čak 130 milijardi dinara - tvrdi Zdravković i dodaje da ohrabruje podatak da je naplata poreza u junu bila efikasnija nego u maju.

Naš sagovornik procenjuje da će MMF imati razumevanja za zahteve srpskih pregovarača s obzirom na to da je retko ko na početku godine mogao da predvidi razorne posledice svetske ekonomske krize. Svi se, međutim, slažu u stavu da bi srpski zvaničnici, umesto „prepucavanja“ preko medija, trebalo da sednu za zajednički sto i da sa precizno razrađenom strategijom izlaska iz krize izađu pred sagovornike iz MMF-a.

Industrial production in May 2009
The industrial production in the Republic of Serbia in May 2009, when compared to May 2008, decreased by 19.5% and in relation to 2008 average, it decreased by 18.5%. The industrial production in the period January-May 2009, compared with the same period 2008, decreased by 18.1%.

Observed as divided by sections, in May 2009 compared to the same month 2008, the trends were noted as follows:

• the section of manufacturing– fall of 23.3%,
• the section of mining and quarrying– fall of 8.8% and
• the section of electric power, gas and water supply – fall of 3.6%.

The data on industrial production by destination in May 2009, compared to May 2008, expressed fall in the production of the following goods:

• durable consumer goods, by 42.7%
• intermediate products, energy excluded, by 37.2%,
• capital goods, by 18.9%,
• non – durable consumer goods, by 9.3% and
• energy, by 3.5%.

The industrial production volume in May 2009, compared to May 2008, expressed the following trends:

• fall in 22 divisions that in the structure of industrial production participate with 91%,
• growth in 7 divisions that in the structure of industrial production participates with 9%.

The largest influence on industrial production fall in May 2009 compared to May 2008 had the divisions of: manufacture of basic metals, manufacture of chemicals and chemical products, manufacture of food products, manufacture of furniture and manufacture of electrical machines and apparatus.

The seasonal adjustment of the industrial production index for May 2009, compared to 2008 average, indicates a 16.4% fall of the overall industrial production and a 19.5% fall of manufacturing.

The seasonally adjusted industrial production index for May 2009, compared to April 2009, indicates a 2.1% growth of the overall industrial production and a 0.5% growth of manufacturing.

The production of small-size enterprises (the number of employees less than 50) that were not included in regular statistical surveys is followed on a sample of the selected units of the section of manufacturing. When the assessment of the industrial production of small-size enterprises of the sample is included, the overall industrial production in May 2009 compared to 2008 average decreased by 18.3% and manufacturing decreased by 18.4%.

Serbia Sells EUR 32 m in 3-Mo T-Bills
Treasury said on Tuesday it sold out its 3.0 billion dinar ($45 million/32 million euro) offer of three-month Treasury bills.

The average accepted price in the auction was equal to 96.59% of par and the accepted interest rate was 13.98%, the ministry said in a statement posted on its website.

The ministry sold a total of 300,000 T-bills with a nominal value of 10,000 dinars each, it added. The government securities will mature on October 6.

In the previous auction of three-month T-bills held on June 30 the ministry sold out its 3.0 billion dinars offer worth of government securities at an annual interest rate of 13.99%.

Serbia holds scheduled auctions of three-month T-bills every week on Tuesdays and of six-month T-bills on Thursdays. The next auctions of three-month and six-month T-bills will be held on July 14 and July 9, respectively.

Economy Minister Dinkic: Year of recovery, not development
Economy Minister Mlađan Dinkić says that the second year of the government’s mandate “won’t be year of development, but of recovery.”

Dinkić made the comments during an official dinner in the village of Krčedin, in Inđija municipality, hosted by Municipal President Goran Ješić. He said that the question was how much time Serbia would require to return to its pre-crisis level.

The minister said that one of the opportunities for Serbia was the forecast that manufacturers from developed and wealthy countries would relocate to countries where investment was more profitable and production cheaper, like in Serbia.

In his opinion, the first year of the government’s mandate had been a struggle to survive, as it had been unrealistic to expect Serbia to develop in the midst of the global economic downturn.

Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić said that one of the biggest Greenfield investments of the year had been the construction of an EUR 80mn factory in Inđija by the Danish irrigation equipment manufacturer, Grundfos.

Vojvodina First Minister Bojan Pajtić called on investors to come to Vojvodina, adding that the provincial authorities would offer a stimulus of EUR 1,300 for every new job created.

Ješić said that Inđija would attract between EUR 130 and 140mn of Greenfield investment this year, and thanked the Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund and the Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency for helping the municipality attract investors.

Yesterday’s dinner was designed to establish further cooperation with domestic and foreign investors.

Inđija is Serbia’s leader in terms of Greenfield investment, having attracted over EUR 300mn.

Rimini Keeps Three Buildings at Belgrade Fair
Consortium composed of Italian Rimini Fair and Belgrade-based Verano Motors plans to invest more than obligatory EUR 35 million in the modernization of Belgrade Fair if it decides to buy it, Rimini’s representatives announced yesterday. At the request of the Privatization Agency they added new items to the documents they submitted and expect to become new owners of Belgrade Fair. As Edward Miljic, the chief architect of Rimini and Belgrade Fair, said at a press conference, three buildings taking up 25,700 square meters will be kept, while other edifices will be torn down. However, the investor plans to build eight new buildings whose surface will also be 27,500, as well as a congress center with 1,600 seats, restaurants and other hospitality establishments on 4,500 square meters.

New Auction for PKB Fruit Plantations
The Privatization Agency scheduled a new auction for the sale of PKB Fruit Plantations for September 11 this year, at the starting price of RSD 542.2 million. The Agency offers for sale a 58% stake of the company, whose value is estimated at RSD 3.4 billion; the starting price at the previous action equaled RSD 808.1 million. The deadline for submission of applications for participation in the auction, with mandatory deposit of RSD 272.6 million, is September 3. The buyer of the company will be required to invest at least RSD 205.7 million in PKB Fruit Plantations. The Plantations own a factory in Grocka, two refrigeration facilities, and two administrative buildings, as well as more than four thousand hectares of land.

Public debt rises to 30% of GDP at end-May
Serbia's total public debt at the end of May was 9.27 billion euros, which is 490 million more than at the end of last year, and around 140 million more than at the end of April, the Ministry of Finance has announced.

Overall direct debiting amounted to EUR 8.29 billion, 4.69 billion of which made for foreign debt, while 3.59 billion made for internal debt. Serbia’s indirect debt equaled EUR 979.7 million. At the end of 2008, overall public debt amounted to EUR 8.78 billion, i.e. 25.9% of GDP.

Wheat Bought for Commodity Reserves Directorate
Product Market in Novi Sad has purchased 37,259 tons of wheat from this year's yield for Commodity Reserves Directorate’s needs, which fulfills quota planned for the territory of Vojvodina, said yesterday Product Market director Zarko Galetin. "The quota was fulfilled for all districts in Vojvodina," said Galetin and stressed that the offer was two times higher than the quota, i.e. that it was at 80,000 tons. According to him, in central Serbia, only about 5,000 tons were sold today and yesterday, while the anticipated quota is at 28,455 tons. Galetin believes that such a poor offer in central Serbia is a consequence of delays in harvest, longer duration of the harvest, a great number of small parcels and insufficient mechanization. According to him, only 15% of the overall offer of wheat in central Serbia represents surplus, while in Vojvodina, the figure is 90%.

Procedures against 10 Insurance Companies

The Commission for the Protection of Competition submitted request for initiation of criminal procedures against 10 insurance companies due to internal agreements regarding the way of collecting insurance when leasing vehicles, stated yesterday the president of the Commission for the Protection of Competition Dijana Markovic-Bajalovic.

She explained that the companies signed a mutual agreement on transferring from multi-annual insurance calculations to annual calculations, after following a recommendation from the Association of Insurers in June last year, in order to increase revenues. This means that they broke the Law on the protection of Competition, which means they could pay a fine up to 10% of last year’s overall earnings.

Foreign Currency Savings the Same as Last Year
Household foreign exchange savings rebounded to last year’s level, since it equaled EUR 5,026.5 million and increased by EUR 246 million this year, announced the National Bank of Serbia. These encouraging data show that after declining by around EUR 1 billion in Q4 2008, savings rebounded in 2009 by EUR 2 million per day on average. The June rate measured again some EUR 100 million (as savings rose on average by EUR 4.5 million per day). According to a press release issued by the central bank, regained confidence in the banking sector is best shown by the share of one-year time deposits accounting for 30.3% of total household savings. Further, the share of demand deposits dropped to 26.5%, while the share of 3-month savings amounted to 13.6%, the press release reads. The maturity structure of savings improved primarily in response to a broadened range of long-term savings products offered by banks.

EU Gives EUR 1.2 m to SME
The project of European Entrepreneurship Network was presented in Loznica. The project’s implementation in Serbia will cost EUR 1,250,000 aiming to boost SME’s competitiveness, innovations and export to European and other markets.

Deputy Director of the Serbian Agency for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Nebojsa Radinovic, Project Manager for Serbia Aleksandar Arsic and the Representative of the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) Jelena Radoicic stressed that Serbia has joined the venture recently.

The Serbian Agency for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises opened the European Entrepreneurship Network in Serbia last month, as the biggest one in the world, and the project is EU-funded since about 23,000,000 small and medium-sized companies operate on its territory.

EUR 1,300 per Each New Worker from PIV
“The decline in production has been stopped in Serbia and world wide, but this government’s second year won’t be year of development, but of recovery,” stated the Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic at an official dinner in the village of Krčedin, in Indjija municipality, organized for investors and other guests. As it was confirmed during the dinner, the first and the second investment phase amounted to over EUR 300 million and provided 2,500 jobs. According to the municipality’s president Goran Jesic, although this was a troublesome year, Indjija concluded three very important contracts: the construction of logistics center, the factory for Nova cinkarna from Slovenia and Danish Grundfos. Jesic thanked the Vojvodina Executive Council, without which, as he said, the municipality wouldn’t be able to finish all those projects. The president of Vojvodina Executive Council Bojan Pajtic stated that Indjija was an example of how courage yields results and called on investors to come to Vojvodina, adding that the provincial authorities would offer a stimulus of EUR 1,300 for every new job created.

Furnaces to be Fired Up in US Steel
Due to sudden problems with blast furnaces at US Steel Europe’s production facility in Kosice, blast furnace No. 2 in Smederevo, will start working. The furnace hasn’t bee working since September 2008. This doesn’t mean that the steel market’s crisis is over, nor that the Smederevo-based plant will be working normally, but that the company from Kosice has to fulfill contractual obligations towards its customers. Because of this, the blast furnace is turned on in order to warm up, while it should start working at the end of July. A week after that, the furnace will work at full capacity, for about six to eight weeks. "Due to this, employees who have worked four days a week will work full-time, and if necessary, extra hours," said Mileta Gujanicic, the president of independent trade union of US Steel’s metalworkers, after the information obtained during yesterday’s meeting with management.

Jaffa shareholders without dividends in 2009
The stockholders of Crvenka-based company "Jaffa" made the decision at the Stockholding Assembly not to pay dividends in 2009, which means that the last year's profit will be kept as undistributed profit.

The Administrative Board of the company should decide what to do concerning the sale of earlier acquired stocks and further procurement of the company's stocks.

Current price of the company on the Stock Exchange amounts to 20,500 RSD per stock, while the value of market capitalization is 2.4 billion RSD.

Tarkett took over 34.99% of stocks of Sintelon
"Tarkett" from Bačka Palanka has announced today (July 8, 2009) that it took over 34.99% of stocks of "Sintelon", so that it now owns 99.31% of stocks of that factory of floor covers in Bačka Palanka.

According to the report on takeover of stocks, "Tarkett" paid total of 11.12 billion RSD, that is, about 117m EUR, for 510,768 stocks.

The bid for takeover of remaining 520,860 stocks of "Sintelon" from minor stockholders at the price of 230 EUR per stock, that is, 21,782 RSD, was opened prior to July 2nd.

According to the data provided by the Central Securities Registry, "Tarkett" from Bačka Palanka currently does not own the stocks of "Sintelon", while the co-owner of that company, French "Tarkett", owns 938,744 stocks, that is, 64.3% of stock capital of "Sintelon".

The co-owners of Bačka Palanka-based company "Tarkett" are "Sintelon" and "Tarkett France", which own 50% of the company each.

"Sintelon" registered 1.07 billion RSD worth of profit in 2008, which is almost twice as much as in 2007.

Belgrade Stock Exchange Delists Shares of Sugar Mill Zrenjanin
The Belgrade Stock exchange said in has delisted the shares of sugar mill Zrenjanin from trading after the company filed for bankruptcy.

The shares were delisted on July 7, the bourse said on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Information on how the company stock was traded since its listing in April 2007 was no longer available on the bourse's website.

Serbia’s attempt to sell the sugar mill failed last year when it cancelled the sale of a 60.5% state-owned stake in the company to Swiss-registered holding group United business Activities (UBA).

The Zrenjanin sugar mill, located in northern Serbia, produced 5,591 tonnes of sugar in 2005, down from 12,815 tonnes a year earlier. The company ended 2005 with a net loss of 2.8 million euro ($3.9 million). Comparative figures and more recent company results were unavailable.

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