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"Max and Spencer" u Srbiji - U maju dogovori o investiciji u proizvodnju britanske modne kuće
Modna kuća "Max and Spencer" iz Velike Britanije razmišlja da pokrene proizvodnju u Srbiji i o tome će se razgovarati u maju, rekla je Vesna Vasiljević iz Privredne komore Srbije. U tekstilnu industriju u Srbiji do sada je uloženo oko 2 mlrd USD stranih investicija.

- Država treba da se okrene domaćim potencijalima i subvencioniše domaće preduzetnike - smatra Vesna Vasiljević.

- Budućnost investiranja je u dokapitalizaciji srpskih kompanija i zajedničkim ulaganjima domaćih i stranih investitora - dodala je Vesna Vasiljević.

U 2010. godini, tekstilna industrija je zabeležila izvoz od 800 mil USD.

Max and Spencer in Serbia - Talks about production of British fashion brand in our country in May
Max and Spencer fashion company from Great Britain considers starting production in Serbia and plans to discuss that idea in May, said Vesna Vasiljevic from the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC). The textile industry in Serbia has so far attracted about USD 2 billion worth of foreign investments.

- The state should focus on domestic potential and subsidize domestic entrepreneurs - Vesna Vasiljevic assessed.

- The future of investing lies in the recapitalization of Serbian companies and joint investments by domestic and foreign investors - she added.

The textile industry registered exports worth USD 800 million in 2010.

Government adopts plan for covering budget deficit by issuing Eurobonds in foreign market
- Whether the budget deficit will be covered does not depend on Telekom and everything goes as expected - Branislav Toncic, the Director of the Agency for Public Debt, says for Novosti daily paper.

- The intention is to issue EUR 500 million worth of Eurobonds in a foreign market, which should be enough to cover all budget expenditures by the end of the year.

According to Mr. Toncic, the budget deficit will again be completely covered this year because there is no other way to "close" the government books. Aside from the deficit, the need for paying off the principal of existing debts must also be satisfied. As Mr. Toncic reminds, debts are paid off by taking out a new loan, but the public debt will not be increased in this case since the new loan will be taken out exclusively to pay off existing debts.

- About RSD 280 billion worth of government bonds are planned to be issued this year, RSD 235 billion of which will be used to refinance earlier issued bonds, while about 45 billion dinars will be used to cover the deficit - Mr. Toncic points out.

Since the beginning of the year, about RSD 92 billion government bonds have been sold, 53 billion of which have been used to refinance earlier issued bonds, while about RSD 39 billion were spent on the payment of due debts in the first quarter.

Standard HACCP obaveza od 11. juna
Beograd -- Svi proizvođači i trgovci hranom do 11. juna ove godine moraju da uvedu standard bezbednosti “hasap” (HACCP), rečeno je u Privrednoj komori Srbije (PKS).
Na sastanku Odbora za turizam i ugostiteljstvo PKS predstavnik Centra za ispitivanje namirnica Srbije Milan Simić je istakao da neće biti odlaganje roka uvođenja tog standarda, koji je predviđen Zakonom o bezbednosti hrane.

Prema njegovim rečima, svi veliki proizvođači i trgovci hranom u Srbiji već imaju uveden “hasap” standard, ali kod malih firmi taj standard manje primenjuje.

Simić je istakao da pored toga što je zakonska obaveza, primena “hasap” standarda olakšava borbu sa konkurencijom i omogućava efikasniji sistem poslovanja.

"HACCP standard je dobra podloga za lakše uvođenje novih procesa i razvoj novih proizvoda, a omogućava i efikasniji sistem poslovanja, kao drugačije vrednovanje zaposlenih", kazao je on.

Simić je naglasio da “hasap” standard prati put hrane, prepoznaje opasnosti u proizvodnjii razmatra kako ih izbeći ili svesti na prihvatljiv nivo, a omogućava i uspostavljanje preciznijeg higijenskog režima i pravila ponašanja.

"HACCP ne treba gledati kao zakonsku obavezu već da ste sve moguće preduzeli da ne bi došlo do lošeg proizvoda. Ovaj standard ima smisla samo ako se svi pridržavaju pravila", kazao je Simić.

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