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Beogradske berza: Imamo zaštitu od dramatičnih lomova tržišta kapitala
Beogradske berza ima zaštitu od dramatičnih lomova tržišta kapitala Direktor Beogradske berze Siniša Krneta izjavio je danas da je ta institucija, poučena iskustvima iz prethodne krize 2008. godine, ugradila niz preventivnih, automatski vođenih mehanizama koji sprečavaju da dođe do dramatičnih lomova u berzanskom trgovanju, kakav je bio slučaj na berzama regiona, zbog epidemije korona virusa.

- Mi imamo unapred ugrađene cenovne amortizere, koji se se sami aktiviraju bez ljudskog uticaja, kako ne bismo imali nagle i velike lomove, odnosno drastičan pad ili rast cena akcija, koji negativno utiču na rad berze - kazao je Krneta agenciji Beta.

Precizirao je da je Beogradska berza instalirala automatski mehanizam koji sprečava da u toku dana dolazi do drastičnih smanjenja ili povećanja cena akcija.

Prema njegovim rečima, mehanizam se sastoji od kombinovanog modela statičke i apsolutne zone fluktuacije cena.

- Kada se dostigne unapred definisan procenat cenovnog odstupanja, aktivira se najpre statička zona fluktuacije, koja automatski, bez ljudskog faktora, zaustavlja proces trgovanja na berzi na određeno vreme - kazao je Krneta.

Kako je objasnio, ukoliko se i u nastavku trgovanja produži isti trend velike oscilacije cena, aktivira se mehanizam apsolutne zone fluktuacije, koji ne zaustavlja trgovanje, ali sprečava dalje poniranje cene akcija za taj trgovački dan.

- U slučaju ovakvih kriza, postojanje ovog mehanizma je prednost za nesmetano funkcionisanje nedovoljno razvijenog tržišta kapitala kakvo je u Srbiji - rekao je direktor Beogradske berze.

Belgrade Stock Exchange: We are protected from dramatic breakdowns of the capital market
The Belgrade Stock Exchange is protected from dramatic breakdowns in the capital market. The director of the Belgrade Stock Exchange, Sinisa Krneta, stated today that, thanks to the lessons learned during the 2008 economic crisis, the institution had implemented a range of preventive, automatically run mechanism, which prevent the occurrence of any dramatic breakdowns in stock exchange trading, as was the case in the stock exchange markets in the region due to coronavirus.

– We have in-built price amortization mechanisms, which are self-activated and require no human intervention, so that big and sudden disruptions would not happen, such as a drastic drop or growth of the price of shares, which has a negative impact on the operations of the stock exchange – Krneta told Beta.

He specified that the Belgrade Stock Exchange had installed an automatic mechanism, which prevents drastic drops or increases in share prices in the course of a day.

According to him, the mechanism consists of a combined model of static and absolute zone of price fluctuation.

– When the pre-set percentage of price deviation is reached, the static zone of fluctuation is first activated, which stops the trade process at the stock exchange for a while automatically, without human intervention – Krneta said.

As he explained, if the trend of the great oscillation of prices continues, the mechanism of the absolute zone of fluctuation is activated, which doesnt stop the trade, but prevents a further drop in share prices for that trading day.

– In such crises, the existence of this mechanism enables an unobstructed functioning of an underdeveloped capital market, such as the one in Serbia – said the director of the Belgrade Stock Exchange.

– When the pre-set percentage of price deviation is reached, the static zone of fluctuation is first activated, which stops the trade process at the stock exchange for a while automatically, without human intervention – Krneta said.

As he explained, if the trend of the great oscillation of prices continues, the mechanism of the absolute zone of fluctuation is activated, which doesnt stop the trade, but prevents a further drop in share prices for that trading day.

– In such crises, the existence of this mechanism enables an unobstructed functioning of an underdeveloped capital market, such as the one in Serbia – said the director of the Belgrade Stock Exchange.

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