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Ukida se vanredno stanje, vanredne mere ostaju
Skupština Srbije razmotriće danas Predlog odluke o ukidanju vanrednog stanja koji je podnela Vlada Srbije.
BEOGRAD - Skupština Srbije razmotriće danas Predlog odluke o ukidanju vanrednog stanja koji je podnela Vlada Srbije.

Kako je saopšteno iz kabineta predsednice parlamenta Maje Gojković, poslanici će razmatrati i Predlog zakona o važenju uredaba koje je Vlada uz supotpis predsednika Republike donela za vreme vanrednog stanja i koje je Narodna skupština potvrdila, a koji je podnela Vlada Srbije.

EIB će finansirati javna ulaganja, banke i preduzetnike - Srbija će dobiti najveći deo na Zapadnom B
Evropska investiciona banka će oko 1,7 mlrd EUR novih sredstava za Zapadni Balkan opredeliti prevashodno za nastavak javnih ulaganja, pomoć bankama, kao i preduzetnicima, izjavila je šefica EIB kancelarije za Zapadni Balkan Dubravka Negre.

- Sredstava od 1,7 mlrd EUR služiće za te svrhe, odnosno za one projekte koji su već odobreni - rekla je Negre za TV Prva.

Navodi da ta sredstva još nisu raspoređena po zemljama i da će to zavisiti od planova i prioriteta svake zemlje, ali da će Srbija moći da računa na najveći deo.

Ona se osvrnula i na procene MMF-a da će Srbija imati pad od 3% i dodala da se Srbija dobro kotira u odnosu na zemlje regiona i da se pad privredne aktivnosti očekuje u celoj EU.

Ističe i da su sve zemlje shvatile da moraju više da se fokusiraju na svoje okruženje, a to je šansa za ovaj region, rekla je Negre.

Objasnila je da će mnogi koji su nameravali da sele proizvodne lance ka Aziji, sada to činiti ka bližim tržištima.

- Tu vidim šansu za ovaj region - rekla je Negre.

Ona je podsetila da je EIB Grupa obezbedila 5,2 mlrd EUR za zemlje izvan Evropske unije u okviru šireg paketa mera EU za otklanjanje posledica pandemije covid-19.

EIB to Finance Public Investments, Banks and Enterprises – Serbia to Get Most in Western Balkans?
The European Investment Bank will direct around EUR 1.7 billion of new funds for the Western Balkans primarily to public investments, banks and enterprises, said the head of the EIB office for the Western Balkans, Dubravka Negre.

– Funds worth EUR 1.7 billion will be used for that purpose, that is, for the projects which have already been approved – Negre said on TV Prva.

She says that the funds have not yet been distributed by country and that this will depend on each countrys plans and priorities, but that Serbia will get the biggest part.

She also commented on the IMFs estimate that Serbia will have a drop of 3% and added that the countrys position was good compared to the countries of the region and that a drop in economic activities was expected in the entire EU.

She points out that the countries have realized that they need to focus more on their surroundings, which is an opportunity for this region, according to her.

She explained that many who had intended to move their production chains to Asia would now move them to closer markets.

– Thats where I see an opportunity for this region – Negre said.

She reminded that the EIB Group had provided EUR 5.2 billion for countries outside the EU as part of the Unions larger set of measures for mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EK ove godine u Srbiji predviđa pad BDP od 4%, iduće ekonomski rast od 6%
Srbija će, posle dve godine snažnog rasta bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP), u 2020. zbog pandemije Covid-19 zabeležiti nagli pad BDP od oko 4% , a 2021. godine snažan oporavak i ekonomski rast od 6%, prognozira Evropska komisija.

U danas objavljenim ekonomskim prognozama Evropske komisije, za Srbiju za 2020. se predviđaju pad privatne potrošnje i investicija zbog restrikcija uvedenih tokom epidemije, kao i zbog neizvesnosti budućeg poslovanja, uz rast deficita i povećanje koeficijenta javnog duga za oko deset procentnih poena.

Znatno smanjenje deficita i snažan oporavak privatne potrošnje i investicija u Srbiji uslediće naredne godine, očekuje EK.

U Prolećnim ekonomskim prognozama za 2020. za ekonomiju zone evra predviđa se rekordan pad od 7,75% i rast od 6,25% u 2021. a za ekonomiju cele EU pad od 7,5% ove godine i rast od oko 6% u 2021.

Kako je navela EK, projekcije rasta za EU i zonu evra iz novog izveštaja su snižene za oko 9 procentnih poena u odnosu na one iz Jesenjih ekonomskih prognoza 2019.

Komsija je objavila prognoze i za zemlje kandidate iz regiona pa se Albaniji prognozira pad od 4,8% u 2020. i ekonomski rast od 4,2% u 2021, Crnoj Gori pad od 5,9% ove godine i rast od 4,4 sledeće, a Severnoj Makedoniji pad od 3,9% u tekućoj i rast od 4% u narednoj godini.

U izveštaju o Srbiji se navodi da je ona pre krize nastale zbog pandemije, beležila snažan rast, uključujući i prvi kvartal ove godine. Takođe se podseća da je vanredno stanje u Srbiji uvedeno 15. marta, a da su prve mere popuštanja počele krajem aprila.

Za nezaposlenost u Sbiji se prognozira privremeni rast. Očekuje se da vladine mere donesu rezultate na polju sprečavanja pada zaposlenosti, ali će ekonomski pad ipak prekinuti kontinuirano smanjenje nezaposlenosti beleženo poslednjih pet godina.

Inflacija u Srbiji će, prema prognozama, na kratak rok dalje oslabiti zbog pada cena nafte i prigušene domaće tražnje, a rast inflacije se očekuje sledeće godine sa ekonomskm oporavkom.

Evropska komisija je ocenila da su perspektive rasta Srbije podložne velikoj nesigurnosti, uz rizike za pad.

Kako se navodi, potencijalno brže uklanjanje restrikcija uvedenih zbog epidemije moglo bi da donese brži i snažniji oporavak, dok duže trajanje restrikcija u nekim sektorima može snažnije da deluje na poverenje potrošača i njihove navike i time zakoči ekonomski oporavak.

Zbog toga će od ključnog značaja biti efikasnost mera za zaštitu raspoloživih prihoda domaćinstava i likvidnosti poslovnog sektora, ocenjuje se u izveštaju.

Spoljni rizik po ekonomiju Srbije potiče od potencijalno snažnijeg pada među njenim glavnim trgovinskim partnerima što bi se odrazilo na srpski izvoz i investicije.

Zbog uticaja pandemije budžetski deficit Srbije će u 2020. porasti na 7,5% BDP ali će 2021. snažno pasti, na 2% odsto BDP, navodi EK.

Prognizira se da će javni dug porasti iznad 60% BDP u 2020. odražavajući i visok deficit i pad BDP, a zatim će u 2021. početi postepeni pad u skladu sa ekonomskim oporavkom i smanjenjem deficita.

EC Forecasts GDP Contraction of 4% in Serbia This Year, Rebound of 6% Next One
Following two years of strong GDP growth, the Serbian economy is projected to contract sharply by around 4% in 2020, followed by a strong rebound of 6% in 2021. the European Commission says.

In the Serbia section of the Spring 2020 European Economic Forecast, the EC says that private consumption and investment are expected to fall in 2020 due to lockdown restrictions, confidence effects and uncertainties, before a strong recovery in 2021. Due to the economic contraction and sizeable fiscal mitigation measures, the general government deficit is forecast to rise sharply in 2020 followed by a strong reduction in 2021. The debt-to-GDP ratio is set to increase temporarily by around 10 percentage points in 2020, the EC says.

In the Spring Economic Forecast, a record drop of 7.75% is expected in the euro-zone and then a growth of 6.25% in 2021. As for the economy of the entire EU, a drop of 7.5% in 2020 and a growth of around 6% in 2021 are expected.

As the EC says, the projections of growth for the EU and the euro-zone in the new report are down by around 9 percentage points compared to those from the 2019 Autumn Forecast.

As for the candidate countries from the region, a drop of 4.8% is expected in Albania in 2020, followed by a growth of 4.2% in 2021, Montenegro should see a drop of 5.9% this year and a growth of 4.4% next year, whereas North Macedonia will experience a drop of 3.9% in 2020 and a growth of 4% in 2021.

In the Serbia section of the report, it is said that short-term indicators suggest that growth remained robust in the first quarter of 2020, but the positive outlook came to a sudden halt due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government declared a state of emergency on 15 March, imposing a series of containment measures, including a 12-hour daily curfew, the closure of all non-essential shops, restaurants and cafés, and transport shutdowns. A first gradual relaxation of lockdown measures started to be envisaged as of late April.

Unemployment is expected to rise temporarily. While government measures are expected to mitigate lockdown-induced job losses, the economic contraction is nonetheless expected to temporarily interrupt the continuous decline of unemployment over the last five years.

Inflation is set to moderate further in the short term, reflecting lower oil prices and subdued domestic demand, while rebounding in 2021 due to the recovery.

The EC says that the growth outlook is subject to high uncertainty with risks tilted to the downside.

As said, while a potential faster lifting of the main restrictions might allow for an earlier and stronger rebound, a potentially more protracted duration of restrictions on some sectors may more persistently affect consumer confidence and consumption patterns, thereby dampening the economic recovery.

In this regard, the effectiveness of measures to protect household disposable income and business liquidity will also be essential, the report reads.

On the external side, a potential stronger contraction in main trading partners would weigh on Serbian exports and investment.

The COVID-19 crisis is set to deteriorate sharply the deficit to 7.5% of GDP in 2020, but the deficit is forecast to drop sharply to 2% of GDP in 2021, the EC says.

The debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to rise above 60% in 2020 reflecting both the high deficit and low GDP developments, before resuming its gradual decline in line with the economic rebound and lower deficit developments in 2021.

Promet na Beogradskoj berzi desetkovan, indeksi “zeleni”
Promet na Beogradskoj berzi danas je desetkovan i iznosio je minimalnih 1,1 milion dinara (9,7 hiljada evra), dok su oba indeksa završila trgovanje u plusu.
BEOGRAD - Promet na Beogradskoj berzi danas je desetkovan i iznosio je minimalnih 1,1 milion dinara (9,7 hiljada evra), dok su oba indeksa završila trgovanje u plusu.

Indeks BELEX 15 je porastao za četvrtinu procenta na 664,54 poena, a BELEXajn je ojačao za 0,2 posto na 1.471,51 poena.

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