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How do I sell my own shares?
According to new Law on Securities, the Central Register was established for management of ownership shares. Every company has the obligation to be in compliance with the Central Register, which initiate guidelines that the shares be transfered to your account. When compliance is completed, you as the seller goes to the broker of your choice and complete these following steps:
close a contract in relation to opening and managing an ownership account with the broker, on the basis that the brokern in the Central Register opens an owner account, where your shares are transferred and where you will also receive periodical statements on the status of ownership of shares,
close with the broker a contract on negotiaiton in sales of shares that organize the both of your obliglations to the foundation of sell orders,
the broker accepts from you an order for sale with all the needed documentation for realization of the order on the Stock Exchange.
BROKER completes the following steps:
opens in the Central Register an owner account in your name and to the account transfers your shares,
opens in the Central Register a trading account in your name and to the account transfer shares you wish to sell,
enters order in the Stock Exchange system for scheduled trading of these shares.

On the Stock Exchange according to technology regulations on completed share sales, a closing note is generated.

The seller's broker guarantees the buyer's broker that he will secure transfer of bought shares to the Central Register, the transfer of these shares to the trading account. In return, the broker guarantees the buyer simultaneous payout on purchase price of shares.

The Central Register recieves directly from the Stock Exchange a list of realized transactions and completes bookeeping on the burden of the broker's account - the sub-account of the seller on behalf of the buyer's account.


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